
New version available

  • TomB

    TomB - 2005-03-30

    There is a new version available in the patches section. Here the content of the readme.txt:

    Modified version of Frodo for PalmOS (30.03.2005)

    This version based on Frodo for PalmOS 4.1b from Johan Forsberg, released 23.11.2003. Changes made by Johan Forsberg in release of 12.12.2003 currently not used.

    - This version requires 256 color display. 16 color mode not supported, because it doesn't work correctly on my Tungsten E (trouble with sprites) and there is no lost in performance using 256 colors.
    - Snapshots of older versions won't run in this version and snapshots of this version won't run in older versions.
    - Backup and remove any existing version of Frodo and snapshots before installing this version.

    - Better performance
    - Emulation of 1541 works (see option in menu Obscure, current track displayed next to the keyboard)
    - Use .d64 and .t64 files direct from expansion card without converting to pdb (only reading, no write back of changes)
    - Use .p00 files direct from expansion card (converted internally to .t64 files)
    - Ignore all unused keys (switch to other app during gameplay happens sometimes)

    ToDo list (not ordered in priority, no guarantee that everything will be implemented):
    - Write back changes of .d64 and .t64 files to expansion card
    - Dialog to modify colors
    - Add some changes of Johan Forsberg from his version of 12.12.2003 (sound for Sony devices, support of low res devices)
    - Handle directories on expansion card as disks
    - Enable categories in file select dialog
    - Option to disable auto power off

    Thomas Borris

    • Francesco

      Francesco - 2005-03-30

      Good work, thank you for this release.

      My Treo600 is on repair now so I cant test this version of Frodo.

      Did you include support for low-res in it?
      If not please refer to this post:


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Wow, Thomas. Very nice. Thank you!

      I'll let you know how it goes on my Treo 650.


    • TomB

      TomB - 2005-03-31

      I found a bug which causes me to reset my device, so I removed this version. After fixing the bug, the version will be online again.


      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Hi Thomas

        I hope you'll get it working soon.

        I've also tried to take up the work and even succeeded to compile Frodo-41b-final.tar.gz myself. But apparently you were quite a lot faster than me.

        Have you already tried to contact Johan Forsberg (palmfrodo) to have him make you a regular developer or even admin of the frodopalm project?

        best regards


        • TomB

          TomB - 2005-04-07

          Hello Marco,

          I was in contact with Johan Forsberg and he ask me to take the entire project. But I don't have enough spare time for that. So I ask him to add me to the list of the developers and after that, there was no response till now.


    • Poison

      Poison - 2005-04-08

      I can't download the new version as there is no file attached
      in the patches section.

      • TomB

        TomB - 2005-04-08

        I removed the version because I found a bug which causes me to reset the device. After fixing this bug, the new version will be available again.

    • Johan Forsberg

      Johan Forsberg - 2005-04-12

      Tom: Sorry, I forgot all about your email!

      I just added you to the project with complete permissions, HTH.


    • David Filskov

      David Filskov - 2005-04-17

      I'm really looking forward to the new version! Thumbs up to you, Tom.

      After running Frodo (22th nov '03 Forsberg version) on Treo 650 I have these suggestions which I think is more important (for Treo users) than alot of the things on the ToDo list above:

      My suggestion for a better onscreen keyboard (old one above - new one below):

      Notice it shows both joysticks. When fire is active the middle square with the number lights up. Let me know if I should edit the alternate keymaps too and somehow create button-mapped areas seperately.

      - Becuase of the bad keyboard support in Palm devices (key_down events only - no up) it should be possible to map _any_ C64 keyboard keys to the 5-way navigator and shortcut buttons (which does have key_up events). This way you can play ALL games after remapping.
      - Changing the prefs can cause the device to simply reset when you click OK. It seems the first time this happens the prefs will always reset the device when you click OK untill you erase and reinstall Frodo. Might have sth to do with what game you were running when you changed prefs the first time - or maybe it's when you change graphic mode.
      - It's impossible to get all C64 keys via the physical keyboard (F1-8, cursors, C=, $ and so on). Maybe Alt could work as a qualifier for the missing keys.
      - F7 should not only load a dir into memory, it should also list it.
      - Running Giana Sisters and Tiger mission don't work :) I hope the 1571 emu fixes this but I doubt it since they load fine. Actually some C64 programs simply makes Frodo reset the Treo device.

      Less important issues:
      - Cursor Down key on the onscreen keyboard has a cursor Down arrow on it - and visa verca.
      - Cursor Left key on the onscreen keyboard has a cursor Right arrow on it - and visa verca.
      - It should be possible to map the 5-way navigator to the C64 cursor keys with one simple toggle option in the joystick prefs.
      - The Shift Lock key should stick like the Left Shift does.
      - It should be possible to
      - The Shift keys on the Treo keyboard doesn't work. They should as the onscreen Shift keys - the Left Shift like Shift Lock and the right one as single tapped Shift (since there is no way to detect key_up). I see no reason to ignore them.
      - There should be a way to save the 5-way navigator remappings so that you can recall those for each game.
      - There's no indicator of the mode of symbol button toggle key. You don't know if the key you tap will be a read as a symbol or not (can be confusing in some games).
      The onscreen keyboard is very small. Please move the spacebar out to one side and make one more pixel


      -- David

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Or perhaps this is better... I prefer this over my other suggestion:

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      David, those are excellent indeed. I would love to see them in PalmFrodo. I second all your bugs / suggestions too.


    • David Filskov

      David Filskov - 2005-04-17

      Thanks James.

      My two unfinished lines "- It should be possible to"
      and "The onscreen keyboard is very small. Please move the spacebar out to one side and make one more pixel"

      Was meant to be:
      - The onscreen keyboard is very small. I have an idea for a better layout :) (see above)


      - Maybe it should be possible to turn on a sticky key mode for games that require keys to be held down. Perhaps only some sticky keys could be freely chosen somehow so that the user could select which keys he wanted to be sticky (toggle on/off). But if remapping of any key to the 5-way navigator is implemented, sticky keys shouldn't be important.

      -- David

    • David Filskov

      David Filskov - 2005-04-17

      Oups - the line starting with "- Cursor Down" should have been:

      - Cursor Down key on the onscreen keyboard has an arrow _UP_ on it - and visa verca.

      Oh, and btw concerning the latest new keyboard layout suggestion:

      ...notice that I've added the symbol key symbol to the spacebar in the right bottom corner, to show if the symbol mode is on or not. If there is room it could instead be positioned left of the speed monitor saying 99% at the picture.

      -- David

    • David Filskov

      David Filskov - 2005-04-17

      I'm pretty sure the crash that occurs when you click OK in the Prefs is caused by two different actions having the same assigned button. For instance if you map Key 4 to both Up and Fire and then click OK, Frodo crashes and keeps crashing when you change the prefs afterwards.

      - David

    • Rob Prior

      Rob Prior - 2005-04-21

      I just found Frodo for Palm for the first time... I've run Frodo on PocketPC, and also on my Nokia 6620 cell phone, much to the amusement of my friends.

      How can I switch to one of those nifty-neato-keen keyboard layouts?  The default one sucks... With the possible exception of the cool inclusion of the Tac-2 joystick (I can't believe I remember what a Tac-2 is...).

    • David Filskov

      David Filskov - 2005-04-21

      We'll have to wait and see if Thomas Borris - or Johan - decides to implement it. If they do it needs to be made in 2 or 3 other versions - one for each combination of the C= and Shift keys.

      I think the implementation will take some time so they might not make it too high priority.

      -- David

    • TomB

      TomB - 2005-04-22

      There is a new version with full 1541 emulation available in the files section (Frodo 4.1c Beta1).


    • David Filskov

      David Filskov - 2005-04-22

      Terrific - thanks, Tom!

      The inverted keyboard is much easier on the eye. Good call. I can't make it work though with files. It resets when I sync a pdb collection of d64-files to the device and loads this beta1. Only if I remove all C64 games/files does it boot.

      -- David

    • David Filskov

      David Filskov - 2005-04-23

      I think what causes the crash is that I put alot of D64 disks into one PDB-file. When I remove the big file and create new PDF-files for each one of the D64 files Frodo doesn't crash when I start it!

      -- David

      • TomB

        TomB - 2005-04-28

        I think there is a timing problem between open/close the filemanager dialog and the emulation. I did some changes there and I hope in the next version you are able to use large PDB files again.
        The next version will also have a new keyboard layout.


    • David Filskov

      David Filskov - 2005-04-28

      Great. Let me know if I can do anything to help.

      Oh, I don't think the currently inserted disk image should be hidden from the file manager. It's rather confusing and doesn't really help the user in any way.

      If you can use it, the giana sisters game om this disk make frodo reset Treo650 when run:

      I'm really looking forward to the new keyboard layout - the track indication, reading "T14"  for instance, maybe it can fit to the left of the speed.

      -- David

      • TomB

        TomB - 2005-04-28

        I got an error message using giana_crash.d64: illegal opcode 02 at 1000. But I get this message also with the windows versions of Frodo (Frodo, FrodoPC and FrodoSC), so I think there is no chance to use this game with Frodo.


    • David Filskov

      David Filskov - 2005-05-05

      Please consider making it possible to map the Turbo functionality to a button. It should work as a fast forward button turning on Turbo only as long as held down, I think.

      Also despite what Johan wrote about the keyboard only having *Key Down* my Treo650 can easily detect both down and *Key up* in other apps. Otherwise key repeat wouldn't work.

      -- David

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanx for the new version! It works great!


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