
Not demised quite yet

  • Johan Forsberg

    Johan Forsberg - 2004-03-22

    I'm sorry that I totally dropped the project and stopped communicating (apologies esp. to Dr Ded).

    It's just that I have been seriously overworked, coupled with rather heavy personal issues.

    Suddenly, Frodo was just to much like work, and I couldn't bear to even touch the project. I'm feeling a little better now, and will try to start working on Palm-Frodo again.

    I have a bunch of new great half-finished things for the next release, like 160x160 support, totally new and much better GUI, .d64 and .t64 from expansion card, .d64 browser/launcher, and I hope I'll make a new beta soonish. As in not tomorrow, but not next year.

    The Programmer

    • Johan Forsberg

      Johan Forsberg - 2004-03-22

      And David, do please email me again, just not ten times a day :-) I'm not quite up to that yet.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thank you for continuing the work. Look forward to your next version of palmfrodo :).

    • James Good

      James Good - 2004-03-22

      Hey Johan,

      Sorry to hear of heavy personal life. That was what I figured - I also know what it's like to get sick of a project. Sorry for some of the immature people in here making silly comments.

      All the work you have done is appreciated by many people, even if you never open the source files again!

      Thanks & best wishes,


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Glad to hear your still ok! I shall remove the Yahoo group, and I will email you sometime this week just get up to speed, and I'll keep the mail down, now that I'm more up to speed on the programming of palm and C/C++. Well, like I said glad your ok, and look forward to seeing the app continue, please take it slow! And I will mail you once in a blue moon. Thanks!

      **This HAS to be the first Open Source App out there that had so many people worried about one person, it's really amazing...nice to know the world cares! ;-)


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