
An absolutely phenomenal 1st effort !!!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Been dying for a C64 emulator on Palm for some time now.  Finally someone delivers!  Seems very stable for a beta version.  Was able to run a great number of games.  Audio quality was extremely great on my T3 (actually its damn near perfect!).  Graphics were excellent, but alittle too dark.  Control thru 5-way nav worked perfectly.  Framerate is near perfect, but with occassional frame lapse.

    The focus of the next release hopefully will center around better support for the C64 disk drive.  Currently, many games that use super high speed disk loaders don't seem to work.

    I tip my hat to the developer of this incredible piece of programming and his overwhelming dedication to this project.


    • Johan Forsberg

      Johan Forsberg - 2003-11-28

      > Been dying for a C64 emulator on Palm for some time now. Finally someone delivers! Seems very stable for a beta version. Was able to run a great number of games. Audio quality was extremely great on my T3 (actually its damn near perfect!).

      Thank you humbly.

      Sound: Well, the SID filters aren't present yet, so it isn't very perfect. Try running Last Ninja level 3.

      > Graphics were excellent, but alittle too dark. Control thru 5-way nav worked perfectly.

      That's *very* interesting since it doesn't work at all on *my* Palm! Up/down works nice, but left/right/center reports the same key, "Unknown6". Left/right/center really report as different hardware keys for you? What does Frodo call them? Tell me!

      > Framerate is near perfect, but with occassional frame lapse.

      My T0.5 (original Tungsten with prerelease OS 5.0) does 75%-120%, though there are some games that drop it to <10%, for no good reason...

      > The focus of the next release hopefully will center around better support for the C64 disk drive. Currently, many games that use super high speed disk loaders don't seem to work.

      1541 emulation is totally untested. It's also a nightmare to debug. I don't want to do it, do you? After all, this is a open source effort, do please pitch in!

      I think I will keep ignoring that (*huge*) problem for some months yet.

      > I tip my hat to the developer of this incredible piece of programming and his overwhelming dedication to this project.

      All praise greedily devoured. Thanks. /tips hat back/

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I intitially had some minor trouble getting the 5-way nav to work properly in Frodo for Palm OS 5 on my Palm Tungsten T3.

      I have it set the following way:

      UP      = PgUp        (5 Way Nav Up)
      DOWN = PgDn        (5 Way Nav Down)
      LEFT   = Unknown6 (5-Way Nav Left)
      RIGHT = Unknown6  (5-Way Nav Right)
      FIRE   = Key4         (NoteButton)

      Initially, the above produced control problems, would go left and right but down did not work?

      After playing around with the settings a bit, I turned off the "Emulate Joystick: []1" command under Joystick settings (kept joy#2 emulation on).  After doing this the control worked perfectly.  Again, this is on a Tungsten T3, not sure if this helps on your pre-release Tungsten T?

      One special note:
      The onscreen joystick is a nice idea but when I try to use it on my 400 MHz Tungsten T3, my performance drops from 100% to 10%.  The animation of the joystick graphics doesn't seem to be the problem - the performance problem is with the detection of the pen taps on screen.

      If you need further help or beta testing on a Tungsten T3 platform, let me know - I have a great interest in the future of this project...

      Best reguards...


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      My 5way joystick on my t3 also registers as unknown 6 but seems to work very well except for going to sleep if I don't touch the screen and only use the T3 joypad.

      Anyway you could make it an option to show the onscreen joystick and move the speed % to the top and make the onscreen keyboard bigger?!

      That would be awesome.

      Thanks for all your hard work! This is great!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      5 way nav works for me as well on my T3 (with left and right showing as Unknown6). I do have to play a lot with Emulate Joystick: []1, Emulate Joystick: []2 and Swap Joysticks though. It depends on the game and more often intro which joystick combination works. Some games, like Stunt Car Racer, I could not get to reliably support the joystick at all. Stunt Car Racer always pauses when I press 4 way nav down and the menu doesn't allow me to go down and sometimes even up doesn't work ...

      Most .t64 based games are working great though :)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi, i can report that its the same with the T/T
      Left and Right show as "Unknown6" but work absolutly satisfiing

      btw. GREAT WORK!!

      keep going :-)

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-12-14

      I wanted to add I remember the SX-64, the "Transportable" Commodore 64.  It weighed a ton, and had a little 5" color monitor (blue border on white field if I remember, for contrast).

      I thought about that when I fired up Frodo on my 7.5oz Tungsten C.

      Thank you very much for this, especially considering it's free-- Pocket PC has an emulator but it costs money (no good for me).


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