
More Zodiac problems

  • Dale Mulcahy

    Dale Mulcahy - 2003-11-27

    I have a Zodiac2, and I experience the "mangled screen" that was exlained in the Help forums.  Is there a way to save the Graphics state to 256 Buffered?  It doesn't crash my Palm unless I get the video mode wrong a few times (like when I was trying out all the modes for compatibility).  What exactly does the "Quick Save" option do?  Does it save a game state or save the emulator settings? In addition, I have the following errors that are game-specific.  I know you're not going to fix the emulator for these specific games, but perhaps they can help you iron out some general bugs:

    Ultima IV (.d64)
    -loads up perfectly and will bring you through the intro with no hiccups.  However, when playing the game, the emulator wigs out when trying to enter a city.  Colored bars flash above and below the emulation screen and progress halts.  I don't remember if the C64 game required a disk change upon entering a city (it's been awhile), so it's possible that it's having trouble requesting a new disk.  Then again, it allows me to switch from Disk 1 to Disk 3 with no problems.  Maybe the ROM is bad?

    Pirates! (.d64)
    -Game loads up fine and runs crisply through the intro and setup.  Then, when it's about to begin the playable portion of the game, it exits to the BASIC screen and gives this error:
    The letters are in the same font that the game uses.
    -running a LIST command after this happens brings up a different list that what was shown before the error (i.e. a list of programs and files are replaced with a list mainly consisting of "20512 RG" and "8224").  I guess this could just be another information mode that I don't know how to get out of.
    -It's possible this error, too, is due to the need to switch disks as there are two disks to Pirates!

    Law of the West (.d64)
    -upon entering 'LOAD "*" ' Frodo returns the error "Illegal opcode 0x0022 at 0x0008"

    Star Wars (.d64)
    -this error could actually be a misunderstanding on my part of running C64 games
    -I load up the disk and run a LIST which shows:
    0  "DISK NAME                     " ID 2A
    61      "ZEPPELIN"                       PRG
    78      "STAR WARS"                    PRG

    -I then enter 'LOAD "STAR WARS"'
    -C64 returns:
    LOADING FROM 7400 (29696) TO CO71

    -I then enter "RUN" and I get a syntax error.
    -Is this because I have no idea how to run a program on a disk with several available programs?

    That's all for errors.  I tried a changing a few settings for Ultima and Pirates! on the off-chance that it might do something (like changing the Normal CPL to 65 and enabling CIA hack, though not at the same time).  Are there known cycle settings that generally work for games (other than the default settings)?  Or could these errors be fixed when the 1541 emulation is working?

    With all that said, I like the parts of my games that will run, as the graphics and sound are top notch.  All I have to do is find a game that works...
    Thanks a bunch,

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      zeppelin might be the main program
      try just
      LOAD "*"

    • Dale Mulcahy

      Dale Mulcahy - 2003-11-27

      Nope, didn't work.  I tried that before trying to specifically open Star Wars.  I ended up having to delete it.  Although, I did read on another forum that Frodo only loads up 1/3 of a .d64 ROM.  This could be the reason for a lot of problems.


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