
#5 Run experiments under Python

v1.0 (example)
Iman Zabet

Dear all,

I am starting to use experiments under python. Do you have any recommendation about
- which version of python should we use?
- which environment (IDE, OS, ...) is better to work (eg. PyDev or Pycharm)?
- is there any other dependency beside JaCop.jar, JDOM.jar, matplotlib, numpy, and scipy should we add to the pythonclasspath?

Best regards


  • Thomas B. Léauté

    Hi Iman,

    Here are some indications.

    • which version of python should we use?

    As documented in FRODO's installation instructions, it should work with Python 2.7 and Python 3.x. I have tested it with Python 2.7 and Python 3.3.

    • which environment (IDE, OS, ...) is better to work (eg. PyDev or Pycharm)?

    I have been using both the Eclipse plugin PyDev and the command line on OS X. I cannot claim this is the best environment, since I have never tried any other (except for the official Python environment for the Mac, which I strongly discourage to use). Since both Python and Java are cross-platform, I would assume the OS is irrelevant, with maybe just a slight advantage to OS X, because matplotlib comes with a nice OS X-specific backend.

    • is there any other dependency beside JaCop.jar, JDOM.jar, matplotlib, numpy, and scipy should we add to the pythonclasspath?

    As documented in FRODO's installation instructions, the JDOM and JaCoP JAR files should be added to the Java classpath, and matplotlib should be added to the Python path. These are the only dependencies I am aware of; please correct me if I am missing any.

    Best regards,


  • Thomas B. Léauté

    • status: open --> closed

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