
Free Typographer / News: Recent posts

Massive Parser class rewrite

Now it works much faster, but must be initialized first (unlike just calling static method in old versions).

Posted by Pavel Titov 2004-08-18

Version in VBS released

Released typo.vbs - version for usage in win32 command line. Code from typo.vbs can be used in ASP scripts. It can be downloaded from CVS. This version will be included in upcoming release (0.2.4).

Posted by Pavel Titov 2003-08-21

PHP-Nuke modified module News released

Now (version 0.2.2) package includes News module for PHP-Nuke, that processes all news throught Free Typograph.

Posted by Pavel Titov 2003-05-08

Free Typographer 0.2.0 released

It contains functions and libraries that correctly replaces standart quotes (inch sign) to the russian typographic quotes (..., etc), places non-breaking spaces where needed, etc. Supported languages are: Perl, PHP, Parser3.

Posted by Pavel Titov 2003-03-19