
Game Overview


[Game Design]

Game Concept

Freesynd is an open source implementation of the original Syndicate game by Bullfrog.
We all know this great game but here is a rapid overview of its content.
In this game, the player is the leader of a new crime corporation (called a syndicate) trying to become the biggest crime syndicate and rule the world (nothing less).
At the beginning, the world is divided into many territories, each one being controlled by an enemy syndicate. The player has to conquer each territory using agents to remplir all sorts of missions: killing opposite agents, kidnapping politics or useful scientists.
Newly acquired territories can be taxed to bring revenue to the syndicate which can then invest money into research to improve its team of agents and eventually conquer the whole world.

Feature Set

This implementation has the same features as the original except the following improvements (it’s a personal point of view):
- The ‘0’ (zero) key can be pressed during a mission to select/deselect all agents
- Hotkeys have been added to menus
- To be completed

Game Flow Summary

The player starts by selecting a mission on the world map before entering the briefing menu where he will learn the mission’s objectives.
If he accepts the mission, he opens the team selection menu where he will be able to select a squad using agents stored in the cryo chamber and equip them with fancy weapons and items. The player can also equip his agents with bio-mechanic body parts, called mod, which will improve their inner attributes (vision, movement and agility).
The player can also run a research to discover new weapons or mods as he starts the game with a limited selection of them.
Finally, the player enters the mission where he will control his agents to fulfill the given objectives. At the end of the mission, he will be brought to the map menu where he can choose another mission and modify the tax rates of all countries that he owns.

Look and Feel

This implementation uses the same files (and so the same graphics and sounds) as the original game. The look and feel is exactly the same.

Project Scope

Here is a summary of the scope of the game:
- 50 missions
- 4 agents can be controlled
- Up to 256 NPC’s in cities
- XX usable vehicles
- 9 weapons and 5 accessories (scanner, medikit, access card, energy shield, persuadotron)


Wiki: Game Design