
Two more suggestions

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    (I posted these this morning, but I must have signed off before the thread was submitted)

    1.  It would be nice if the user could select a row or column of control points and move them all together. So, if one wished to add a few inches of crown to a cabin top one could simply grab a set of points and shift them all along the Z axis.

    2.  I understand you are planning to add a full range of analytical tools to Free!Ship.  One feature of Carlson's Hull Designer that I find very convenient is its ability to produce  a graphic representation of waterlines, centers and moments when the boat is heeled.  Carlson's graphic is quite...the user enters a value for angle of heel, and the program shows WLs and moments.   If that graphic representation were more dynamic, it would be even more useful.  By manipulating angles of heel and pitch the user could develop a good intuitive sense of how buoyancy will shift as the boat moves in its natural element.

    Bruce Taylor

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Oops....left a word out of the second suggestion.  I meant to say "Carlson's graphic is quite static...the user enters a value for angle of heel, and the program shows WLs and moments."

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Oops...left a word out of the second suggestion.  I meant to say "Carlson's graphic is quite static...the user enters a value for angle of hell, and the program then show WLs and moments."


    • Dragonfly Canoe

      Dragonfly Canoe - 2005-11-03

      "It would be nice if the user could select a row or column of control points and move them all together."

      Hi Bruce,

      You can do this - control-left click on the points you want to move, then enter the value into the coordinate box that opens when you click on a point. You can enter an absolute value, or a relative value - e.g. @.25 will move the points 4 inches (or a quarter meter, depending on your default), from their current location


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks, Dan.  And here I've been moving them one at a time!

      Is there a way to drag the group w/ the mouse?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Being able to alter the heel/pitch of the hull and compute from that orientation would be great!

      • Stefan Probst

        Stefan Probst - 2005-11-06

        Did you try File Edit -> Rotate 3D ?


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Stefan, that seems to work well for pitch, but I get odd results when I try to gather info about heeled waterlines & buoyancy.   Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

      When I engage Visibility-->Show Both Sides and then rotate the hull 15 degrees around the longitudinal axis, it splits into two parts.  The program then refuses to calculate hydrostatics, because the hull is no longer watertight.



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