
FreeRails / News: Recent posts

jFreeRails 0.2.6 released

Luke released a new Version of the jFreeRails Client with fixed bugs and new features.

Screenshoots can be found on:

There are many bugfixes and improvements, also new graphics.

Posted by Alexander Opitz 2005-01-20

jFreeRails 0.2.5 released

Luke released a new Version of the jFreeRails Client with fixed bugs and new features.

Screenshoots can be found on:

Bugs Fixed:
o 998314 GUI freezes when unpausing the game
o 997092 "Audio device unavailable" exception
o 997088 IllegalArgumentException in OneTileMoveVector.getInstance

Features implemented:
o 931581 Build Industry.
o 931594 Show which player is winning.
o 915955 Automatic Schedules.
o 931597 Graph showing total profits over time.
o 915957 Build track by dragging mouse.
o 932630 Change speed from network clients.
o 927144 Overhead train graphics
o 910124 City growth

Posted by Alexander Opitz 2004-10-15

jFreeRails 0.2.4 released

Luke have again released a new Version of the jFreeRails Client.

Screenshoots can be found on:

Bugs Fixed:
o 972866 Build track by dragging - only when build track selected
o 984510; local class incompatible
o 979831 Stacktraces printed out when running unit tests

Features implemented:

o 915943 Sounds!

Changes not in tracker... read more

Posted by Alexander Opitz 2004-07-10

jFreeRails 0.2.3 released

Luke have again released a new Version of the jFreeRails Client.

Screenshoots can be found on:

Bugs Fixed:

o 972869 Crash when track under train removed.
o 972867 Signal towers do nothing
o 972864 Deselect place-station-mode when track selected
o 948668 Building Station on Curve - Cursor changes function
o 948671 Map City Overlays incorrect
o 967675 No trains/stations but train & station menus selectable
o 972738 Crash when station removed
o 967662 Bottom of terrain info tab cut off in 640*480 res.
o 972869 Crash when track under train removed.
o 948651 IP Address input should be checked immediately.
o 948649 Dialogue Box Behavior
o 967668 No supply & demand at new station
o 948672 Large numbers of active trains slows performance
o 967667 Cannot close multilple dialogue boxes.
o 967664 Fullscreen res. below 640x480 16bit selectable.
o 967666 Selected fullscreen resolution ignored.
o 967713 FPS counter obscures build menu
o 967660 Debug text sent to console
o 948679 Delete/Rebuild single section of track doesn't cost anything
o 967673 Crash when building track close to edge of map
o 967677 OutOfMemoryError after starting several new games
o 967129 Main map white on 1.5.0 beta 2
o 967214 EchoGameServerTest hangs
o 948653 Crash after loading a saved game when one is not available.
o 948665 "Show Details" on Train List doesn't work if no train is selected.
o 948659 Dialogue Box Behavior not deterministic
o 948663 Extra Close Button on Station List tab
o 948661 No Formal Specification (see /src/docs/jfreerails_1_0_functional_specification.html)
o 948656 Non Movable Dialogue Boxes
o 948666 Crash when Building Train with Money < 0 and only one station
o 948655 Can't see consist when there are more than 6 wagons
o 948675 Can't upgrade station types
o 948680 No way to tell sphere of influence for a station type
o 948676 Waiting list is cut off
o 948673 Cost of Building track/stations not shown
o 948670 Removing non-existant track
o 948654 Locomotive graphic backwards
o 910902 Game speed not stored on world object
o 891452 2 servers same port, no error message
o 868555 Undo move by pressing backspace doesn't work
o 910132 Too easy to make money! ... read more

Posted by Alexander Opitz 2004-06-17

jFreeRails 0.2.2 released

Luke have again released a new Version of the jFreeRails Client.

Screenshoots can be found on:

Bugs Fixed:

910134 Demand for mail and passengers
910902 Gamespeed (Applied Jan Tozicka's 2 patches)
910130 Placement of harbours

Features implemented:

930716 Scale overview map (incorporating code from Railz)
915945 Stations should not overlap
915952 Boxes showing cargo waiting at stations
927152 Show change station popup when add station is clicked
915947 Implement wait until full
910138 After building a train display train orders
910143 After building station show supply and demand
915949 Balance sheet
915948 Income statement
910123 Add/remove cargo to cities more frequently.
910126 Train list on RHS panel
915303 Icons for tabs (still need to do icons for buttons)... read more

Posted by Alexander Opitz 2004-04-10

jFreeRails 0.2.0 released

Luke Lindsay had released a new version of the java Client/Server of FreeRails

What's new:
o Bugfixing, code cleanup and performance update
o new wagon/train graphics

Luke says: Its the most playable version yet!

Posted by Alexander Opitz 2004-01-09

jFreeRails 0.1.9 released

Luke Lindsay had released a new version of the java Client/Server of FreeRails

What's new:
o Network play.
o Cities have better distribution of industry, resource, and city tiles.
o More cities.
o progress bar to show whats happening while the game is loading.
o 'Build' tab that letters you select track and station types.

Posted by Alexander Opitz 2003-12-06

jFreeRails 0.1.8 released

Luke Lindsay have released a new version of the jFreeRails client. Here are the latest ChangeLog's:

Freerails Java - version 0.1.7

What's new:
o Improved train orders dialogue.
o Station, train, info tabs on RHS
o Cargo conversions at station.
o Charges for track maintenance
o Payments for delivering cargo.
o Charges for building track.

Freerails Java - version 0.1.8

What's new:
o Further improved train orders dialogue.
o You can start several clients.
o Display mode options dialogue.... read more

Posted by Alexander Opitz 2003-09-08

jFreeRails 0.1.6 released

Luke Lindsay have released a new version of the jFreeRails client. Have fun to play with it ... yeah from month to month it will more playable.

What's new:
o Trains pickup and drop off cargo.
o 'No change' option added to train orders.

Posted by Alexander Opitz 2003-07-04

FreeRails 0.1.0 and jFreeRails 0.1.5 released

in FreeRails you can now Build Trains and they move around (depend on FPS) in the ParaGUI Client Version. The QT Client version stands again on 0.0.7 and needs a bit help from a developer. FreeRails uses the same grafic for trains as jFreeRails ... we should make a data package in the future. Graphical Artists are welcome.

for some days Luke Lindsay released jFreeRails 0.1.5 to sourceforge.
What's new in jFreeRails:
o Cargo types read from xml file.
o Terrain info dialogue box - press 'i' on a tile.
o Station info dialogue box, shows supply and demand.
o Train graphics are read from a files rather
than generated on the fly.

Posted by Alexander Opitz 2003-06-02

FreeRails 0.0.9 released


today I've released FreeRails 0.0.9

New in ParaGUI Client

- City's with Names
- Stations get a name from nearest city
- List of Stations (and Trains)
- changes in the Controllers,Elements and Engines

So now we can go over to trains.

the QT client stands again on stage of 0.0.7 ... so please help there. All
what you need in the client is provided by GuiEngine so all things should be
very easy.... read more

Posted by Alexander Opitz 2003-05-20

FreeRails 0.0.8 and jFreeRails 0.1.4 released

After a long time I can now release FreeRails 0.0.8
Now it's fully written in C++ and Build Track/Station is also back ... in the ParaGUI Client version. I need developer who do the same for the QT Client.

For 10 days jFreeRails was released from Luke Lindsay. Building elements is there fully supported, Trains can build and scheduled. So they move :-)

Posted by Alexander Opitz 2003-04-30

Freerails status update

Recently development on the freerails project - a Railroad Tycoon like game - has been making good progress. Clients are being written in C++ (SDL/Qt) and Java. There are screenshots, notes on design, and a wishlist on the homepage:

Posted by lindsal 2001-08-22

FreeRails, sister project of FreeCiv

My friends and I have long loved the game Railroad Tycoon, and would love to see a open source version, very similar to FreeCiv. However, none of us have time to work on this due to dedication to other open source projects. We would love to see people run with the idea, and in a hopeful attempt at pushing the idea off to the open source community, I have created a SourceForge project. To find out more about the FreeRails project (sister project to FreeCiv), visit the web page:
and be sure to join our mailing list as we discuss the future and feasibility of this project.

Posted by Luke Ehresman 2000-08-11