
#2330 Set new "Presentation mode" to change up/down keys behavior to previous/next slide (for using Presentation Remotes)

Next Release


I'm trying to use a Presentation Remote Device together the new "Presentation mode" (menu Navigate>Presentation / Presentations pane).

Presentation Remote Device:

I couldn't accomplish to use a Presentation Remote with Freeplane because my Presentation Remote triggers just keyboard arrows up/down, which are already set in Freeplane to basic and necessary navigation through nodes.

Freeplane alpha 1.6.1_06 set already F5 keyboard to "Run presentation/Next slide", what is great since some fancy Presentation Remotes have this key to trigger the presentation mode as in Power Point. However, simpler Presentation Remotes just trigger up/down keys.

So this Freeplane feature suggestion is to set new "Presentation mode" to change up/down keys behavior to previous/next slide, for taking full advantage of Presentation Remotes when using new "Presentation mode". When renning a presentation (F5), the up/down keys would change the default behavior to Previous/Next slide. This change would be temporary, lasting just the time presentation mode is activated. After stopping presentation, the up/down keys would return to default behavior.

This change on up/down keys behavior brings better compatibility to "Presentation Remotes". But at same time I'm not sure if some confusion could appear when a user not concerned with presentation could press F5 by change...

Anyway, I think it's important to find out a way to take full advantage of Freeplane new "Presentation mode" + "Presentation Remotes".



  • Cadux

    Cadux - 2017-01-29

    Just thought the "Presentation mode" having up/down keys behavior changed to previous/next slide could be part of a "Imersive presentation mode". This is just an option that could be (un)checked in "menu Navigate>Presentation" or even in Freeplane "Preferences".

    If "Imersive presentation mode" is checked, always a presentation is started (F5), then the following complementary steps are triggered:
    1. up/down keys behavior would change to previous/next slide temporally, providing full compatibility with presentation remotes
    2. full screen mode is activated automatically, providing a feeling similar when you start a presentation in Power Point.

    If "Imersive presentation mode" is UNchecked, always a presentation is started (F5), Freeplane won't change anything. The new presentation mode would keep behaving as today.


    Last edit: Cadux 2017-01-29
  • Cadux

    Cadux - 2017-01-30

    In the very essency of having a kind of "inmersive presentation mode" in Freeplane is the possibility to present your map more freely, even using a simple presentation remote device. Sure, you need to set your slides in advance!
    Using the regular Freeplane for presentation to an audience (most students in my case) demands to stick closer to the computer. Most of the time I even sit, since there are many functions that I need to access in order to delivery a great Freeplane presentation. So, the presentation is great, but as the presenter I feel frustrated because I spend the presentation sat on the chair, facing more the computer than my students.
    As a professor, I feel the need to speak to the audience walking, point to the screen with a laser pointer, and using a presentation remote in order the presentation follows my points, what I couldn't achieve with regular Freeplane.
    So, when I first see the new "Presentation mode" in v1.6.1 I got really excited with the idea that Freeplane could delivery a simpler presentation workflow, although keeping all great well known Freeplane functionalities and visuals. As I said, just set the slides in advance in new Freeplane, and you could perform your presentation with freedom!

  • Cadux

    Cadux - 2017-02-01

    Extending the ideas on the "Immersive Presentation Mode", I've attached a snapshot, thinking it as an extention of the presentation tab (properties panel).

    I also commented the feature prototype in depth in this screencast:

    You will see the idea is very very simple, but IMO would improve a lot the presentation functionality in Freeplane.

    In essence, the "inmersive presentation mode" would bring the possibility to present your Freeplabe map more freely, even using a simple presentation remote device. You could speak to the audience walking, point to the screen with a laser pointer, and using a presentation remote navigating next/previous slides.

    If you need further info or clarification, let me know.



    Last edit: Cadux 2017-02-01
  • Cadux

    Cadux - 2017-02-05

    Many thanks for implementing the feature!!!

    a) I just tested it on 1.6.1_07 and I'm having an issue with "processesUpDownKeys".
    By pressing Down key, the slide jump from first to last; by pressing Up it jumps from last to first slide. The issue is showed in this screen-recording:

    b) Other point is regarding the place "Optional presentation automatics" are available, deep inside "preferences>behavior". Having in mind usability and to assemble in same place the "presentation automatics" options, it sounds the presentation tab fits those options better. Even because I think the user tends to change often the "Optional presentation automatics". So having the options visible at first sight would make easier to set/run/delivrey the presentation. I've attached a suggestion for the presentation tab having "presentation automatics" header.

    c) I'd suggest "center node automatically" to be included as an additional option into "Optional presentation automatics".

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Improved in 1.6.1_08

  • Cadux

    Cadux - 2017-02-05

    Hi Dimitry.
    Just tested 1.6.1_08.
    The improvements are great!

  • Leo Ram

    Leo Ram - 2017-02-11

    I imagine using Android's Rewave - Presentation Remote with FP, available in