
#2325 Allow adding image in node without default black border (no border)

Next Release


The following thread discusses in depth the issue of Freeplane adding by default a black border in images added into nodes:

A workaround for inserting images without border is to use the addon "Insert Inline Image". However, this addon can add just bitmap images, and seems not be able to add SVG. Since Freeplane is already supporting SVG since v1.6, and the addon don't work with SVG, users are without option to remove the black border.

"Insert Inline Image" brings great functionality, but at least inserting image without borders could be supported by Freeplane nativelly. Then, a great improvement in forthcoming releases would be a way to set Freeplaneto add image without border. If it is the case, the two options could be kept: (a) add image NO border + (b) add image WITH border.

I also recorded a screencast explaning the feature request:

Thanks for considering it,


  • Info Educara

    Info Educara - 2017-01-24

    Maybe a simple solution is adding an option "Toggle border" to the context menu when right clicking an image.
    Considering the current context menu and adding that option to the bottom, the menu would appear like that:

    Open in viewer
    Reset zoom
    Toggle border


    Last edit: Info Educara 2017-01-24
  • Cadux

    Cadux - 2017-01-25

    Other solution (even complementary to the one above) is to add a "picture border" control in Properties panel > Format.

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    • status: new --> fixed
  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Border removed in 1.6.1_06

  • Cadux

    Cadux - 2017-01-28

    Hi Dimitry. Many thanks for addressing the border issue!

  • Cadux

    Cadux - 2017-01-29

    Hi Dimitry.
    I just tried 1.6.1_06 and the no border visualization is working perfectly.
    However, I found dificult to find, by hovering over the mouse, the image border for resizing.
    I recorded a screencast showing my tests:
    The image used in the tests are attached.
    Is it possible to increase the tolerance around which the point to resized image is sensitive to Freeplane? I mean, currently it seems the point to resize is very precise, and you can easily miss that point for 1 pixel. So, maybe a couple more pixel being tolerated would make the sensitive point to resize easier to find and hanle.
    If you need further info, please let me know.

  • Cadux

    Cadux - 2017-02-05

    I just tried 1.6.1_07 and the sensitive area for image scaling is perfect.
    Thanks for improving the feature!