
#2128 HTML5 advantages


To avoid flash use, I think&nbps; you can develop your freeplane with HTML5 and CSS3 advances.


  • Felix Natter

    Felix Natter - 2014-04-06

    Sure, that would be an interesting direction for Freeplane.
    But unless someone volunteers to do it, it won't happen ;-)

    But such an export will always be limited (like the flash export),
    because it's really hard to execute groovy or render LaTeX...

    Best Regards,

  • Mark Crocker

    Mark Crocker - 2014-07-14

    Actually, the SVG diagrams exported by Freeplane render extremely well in all modern browsers I've tried and even works on smart phones and tablets.

    Although it is embeddable in HTML5 documents and is very scriptable, I suspect it would be a LOT of work to get the level of interaction that the Applet and Flash viewers provide.

    It might be possible to add links to hook back to a server side component to get more interactivity, but that's such a high barrier to entry for most folks that it probably isn't practical as a means of publishing Mind Maps.

    However, this does suggest a way to get Freeplane documents on to Android phones.

    In the very short term (ie: you can do it right now), one can publish a document to a web server, view it on a mobile browser and simply leave it there for viewing later. Unfortunately, most phones do not allow the browser to access local 'disk' for security reasons, so leaving it cache is the only real option, though some support storage for offline browsing and browsing later.

    In the medium term, it should be possible to create an Android app with the core Freeplane code in it that generates an SVG view and displays that to the user with links back to local services that provide some simple navigational interactivity by causing the core to re-generate and re-display the SVG.

    In the longer term a variation to provide data manipulation features might be reasonably possible.

    If you want real purposefully designed interaction of the quality that mobile users have come to expect, then that would require designing a whole UI to do that and would be a non-trivial task.

    If I manage to make any reasonable progress on some of the smaller development contributions I have in mind for Freeplane, then the I'd be interested in pursuing the medium and longer term suggestions above, though probably not the full, from-scratch, Android UI.