
Where do I find the functionality shown in this video?

  • Jubal

    Jubal - 2021-10-13

    Freeplane is a great app! I've been using it for several years, but have not been aware of and have not been able to find the functionality shown in this video I stumbled upon a few days ago.

    At 18 secs you'll see a section appear at the bottom of the app window which looks like a set of tabs/links to other maps open in the app, or possibly unopened in the directory.

    Can anyone tell me how I can display this feature?


    • Robert STeiner

      Robert STeiner - 2021-10-13

      I do not know for sure, but I guess the video shows currently open maps. If you want to keep tracking of maps, I suggest a map just for that. I have a dashbaord :) See screenshot attached.

      Gives a better overview :)


      Last edit: Robert STeiner 2021-10-13
  • Dimitry Polivaev

    I think it was how old freeplane versions displayed all currently opened maps because only one could be visible at the same time and tabs were used to switch.

  • bfaheem

    bfaheem - 2021-10-29

    Just drag from mindmap title to the buttom of the screen. Like this:

  • bfaheem

    bfaheem - 2021-10-29

    Just drag from mindmap title to the buttom of the screen. Like this:

  • euu

    euu - 2021-10-29

    Just drag from mindmap title to the buttom of the screen. Like this:

    But, then, the mindmap gets "hidden" at the botton (when you activate it, it doesn't show up), right?

    • bfaheem

      bfaheem - 2021-10-30

      Yes, you need to drag them to top again or you can split screen like this