
Zoom and keyboard Shortcuts for SimplyHTML

  • Miguel Boyer

    Miguel Boyer - 2012-01-07

    It vould be great to upgrade SimplyHTML.
    The best feature of FreePlane is the amazing way you can use the keyboard to
    do tasks in a digital way, without having to draw, pick the mouse, etc. And
    shortcuts are the key feature here. You can map the whole thinking with quick
    keys. No mouse needed, no waste of time with analogic adjustments.
    All that is great except for the fact that SimplyHTML doesn' keep up:
    You can't select colors with shortcuts, for example. There is no shortcuts, or
    macros. And you can't access things on the toolbar with just the keyboard.
    And, even worse. You can't adjust zoom in that aplication. Given the size of
    modern displays, the font you see when you open something in SimplyHTML is
    tiny. Very very, unconfortable, almost unsuable. (And i don't want to change
    the actual font of the node, it has to be small, i'm only talking about how
    you view it when editing in SimplyHTML)
    -1. I really woud like beeing able to access all SimplyHTML features with the keyboard.
    -2. I would love macros or configurable shortcuts in SimplyHTML
    -3. It would be amazingly pleasent to have a level oz zooming on the size of the text to be selectable by default in SimplyHTML
    The rest of the product is just perfect. (Except perhaps for the fact that,
    not beeing a developer, the API is confusing for me, although i still manage
    to do the macros i really need).

  • sensor66

    sensor66 - 2014-11-28

    Totally agree. I use Freeplane in such a way that I have to WRITE a lot in nodes, and need a lot of links to documents and web pages. For me this is especially troublesome. Not being able to paste links - having to go into HTML Code view is too inconvenient and not working for me. Really sad, but cause of this I am looking for another system now.

    • Dimitry Polivaev


      I like to hear your pain because it motivates me to improve Freeplane at the place you need. Working on maybe useful things is pretty less interesting for me, but if you see a critical need for improvement I do it.

      So if you need the change let us figure out your real need and the easiest way to fulfill it. Please describe everything related to your need: what you need, what for, why, how oft you use it etc.

      Regards, Dimitry

      • Miguel Boyer

        Miguel Boyer - 2014-11-28

        It may be a silly idea, or something I don't get, but wouldn't it be
        possible to have a parameter in the configurations menu to use by default a
        different HTML editor? There may be better tools than SimplyHTML. What
        about directly using a full fledged word processor? That way we could have
        macros for rich editing, keyboard shortcuts (a pressing necessity in
        SimplyHTML), etc.
        Dimitry, would that be possible?

        2014-11-28 9:50 GMT+01:00 Dimitry Polivaev


        I like to hear your pain because it motivates me to improve Freeplane at
        the place you need. Working on maybe useful things is pretty less
        interesting for me, but if you see a critical need for improvement I do it.

        So if you need the change let us figure out your real need and the easiest
        way to fulfill it. Please describe everything related to your need: what
        you need, what for, why, how oft you use it etc.

        Regards, Dimitry

        Zoom and keyboard Shortcuts for SimplyHTML

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        • Dimitry Polivaev

          The problem is rather not the editor but the component responsible for the displaying the result. Freeplane / FreeMind use pretty old stuff which does not even support some HTML 4 elements, and to replace it would mean to develop at lest a half of the program from scratch.

          • Miguel Boyer

            Miguel Boyer - 2014-12-02

            Ah! So bad. I didn't know that Freeplane was locked to "old stuff". It may be a weakness for the future, though. In any case, I had no clue this issue with SimplyHTML was such a big deal in the first place. Pity.

          • Robertonisola

            Robertonisola - 2014-12-18

            Hi Dimitry,

            Thank you for your reply.

            If replacing SimplyHTML is too time and effort consuming, could you please upgrade it? Is this approach feasible?

            For example, features like:
            - Change text color with hot key.
            - Insert hyper link with hot key.
            - Insert Picture from clipboard with hot key.
            - Copy and paste text format (not the text, just it's format).
            would be incredibly helpful.

            • theworldbright

              theworldbright - 2015-01-21

              Hello Robertonisola,

              I am planning to implement some of the features you have mentioned. Here is how I specifically imagine them to work.

              Change text color with hot key

              Clicking the menu item Format -> Font Color (CTRL + SHIFT + C) will open a color chooser window where a color can be picked using the mouse. Clicking OK button, which can be pressed by hitting the ENTER key, will change the color of the currently selected text to the selected color. Clicking the CANCEL button will do nothing to the currently selected text color.

              Change font size with hot key

              Clicking the menu item Format -> Bigger (CTRL + ‘+’) or Smaller (CTRL + ‘+’) will increase or decrease the currently selected text’s font size by a relative scale.

              Insert hyper link with hot key

              Clicking the menu item Insert -> Hyperlink (CTRL + SHIFT + H) will open up a dialog box with a two textfields and OK and Cancel buttons. The user can either type the URL or paste the URL using (CTRL + V) into the first textfield. The user can then optionally type what the text of the URL should be into the second textfield. Clicking OK will insert the hyperlink at the current text position.

              Insert picture from clipboard with hot key (Might be tricky to implement)

              The user will have an image in the clipboard. Pressing Edit -> Paste (CTRL + V) will insert an image at the current cursor position.

              Does the way the above features work fulfill your needs?

  • Miguel Boyer

    Miguel Boyer - 2014-11-28

    At the end I forgot about SimplyHTML and now I do everything through in-line editing. Directly in the node itself. Freeplane is too good to drop it for any other tool. But YES, SimplyHTML just lags behind terribly. It is a little shame in the middle of a superb tool. But I think it's because SimplyHTML is just some external module that our developers did not tamper with. Who knows, maybe some day they will listen and come up with something better. Maybe there are better tools out there we could incorporate to Freeplane to replace the crappy SimplyHtml. But please, don't drop Freeplane. There isn't anything like it out there. Nothing comes even remotely close to Freeplane. Keep it and hopefully you will discover its true and unparalleled possibilities.

  • zipizap

    zipizap - 2015-11-18


    I too feel too often the above-mentioned shortcoming of simplyHTML... especially the no-shortcuts part... it would be great to increase font size, to reapply last-background-color (like when highlighting-text), etc...

    The problem is rather not the editor but the component responsible for the displaying the result. Freeplane / FreeMind use pretty old stuff which does not even support some HTML 4 elements, and to replace it would mean to develop at lest a half of the program from scratch.

    Assuming that freeplane could not show correctly HTML-4+ elements, or that HTML code must only be less-than-HTML4 ?would it be feasible to use an alternative external-html-editor instead of simplyHTML?

    I personally don't miss any new HTML feature, but I do miss editor-features (shortcuts, macros, etc...) very much...


    Last edit: zipizap 2015-11-18