
What workaround do you use to edit your maps from a mobile device.

  • Ivano

    Ivano - 2020-06-06

    As we know there is not a decent mm reader, editor. in Android. The few mindmap applications lock you in their propretary format, even if they could parse mm.
    I can help to develop an application in flutter, so that we can use it both in iOS and Android, but I would need somebody that know really good how to parse the freeplane MM, namely that can create an utility class in Java and suggest me which kind of Entity/POJO/data class I need as standardMap.

    Anyway, I am wondering if there is an easier workaround. Emacs has a cool mindmap plugin called org, that have several readers on Android and Ios and there are some plugins that convert to mm. Maybe a script used with a free cloud service could make the trick and we could edit our maps on mobile phones.

  • bepolymathe

    bepolymathe - 2020-10-19

    That’s a great idea no ? @dpolivaev ? @boercher ?

  • fpay

    fpay - 2020-10-19

    I find Glen Resoor's approach most promising:

    It seems he has abandoned the project, but maybe it is possible to revitalise it.

    Best regards, Ay

  • Glen Reesor

    Glen Reesor - 2020-10-23

    Hi there! m3 author here; It certainly looks like my project is abandoned as there haven't been updates in a few years! I've been distracted by other personal responsibilities and projects, although I'm now (finally) coming back to looking at m3. I'm just finishing up looking at various technology for updating m3 and adding much needed features like copy, paste, undo.

    I'm hoping to get back into development in the coming months!

  • bepolymathe

    bepolymathe - 2020-10-23

    Hey... Great news Glen !

  • Ivano

    Ivano - 2020-10-24

    Well I am really happy to discover this m3 project, looks cool, although does not fit my use case because primarly I need dropbox, second do not want to use my maps online on a host that does not crypt my info, and finally mobile screens are really small to be used with a web browser.

    I am going to use a linux mobile device as pinelinux or a cloud desktop and will solve the issue using the real application on tablets and external keyboard without writing one line of code, but pity we do not have a one hand mobile easy to go solution


    Last edit: Ivano 2020-10-24
  • Ivano

    Ivano - 2020-10-24

    duplicated POST, sorry


    Last edit: Ivano 2020-10-24
  • Ivano

    Ivano - 2020-11-13

    I guess I found three workarounds, one is to use mindjet reader that reads the mm, altough parse with error the not freemind functionalities of freeplane.
    Then i sync via a dropbox sync and I am good to go on my tablet. Tested and works perfect, I use a portable keyboard.

    The other one is to use termux, that allow to install without root linux on android, and so one can install java and then run freeplane from linux in android! I did not try this one but much complex programs run really well even vscode, intellij so freeplane should be a piece of cake once installed java

    Last is chrome desktop remote,
    it works and tested, although is not my favorite way to go


    Last edit: Ivano 2020-11-13