
Internal freeplane tracking?

Bal Simon
  • Bal Simon

    Bal Simon - 2015-07-15

    Question: Does Freeplane keep track in any way of when a node was created? I currently manually date stamp various nodes because having a reliable chronology is important in some applications. If a node accidentally gets moved, I need to be able to put it back to its proper context, and a date stamp is one way I can do that. If Freeplane tracks when a node is created, it would be sweet if I could make use of it.

    So really - 2 questions:
    1 - does Freeplane keep track and if so,
    2 - is there any way for me to access such informaton

    - Bal

    • Volker Börchers

      Hi Bal,

      timestamps of creation and of last modification is stored with each node. You can make them shown via an option in the menu. It's also available in the scripting API.


  • Bal Simon

    Bal Simon - 2015-07-15

    thanks a lot, Volker! Is there any way to see them using the keyboard rather than a mouse? Also is there a way to have this information stay visible after I mouse over to a different node?

    • Bal
    • Volker Börchers

      You could write a little script that prints the dates to the status bar and assign a keyboard shortcut to it. I can't give you the exact syntax right now but it's something like c.statusInfo = "${node.lastModifiedAt} ${node.createdAt}". You could use the format function to format the time stamps.

    • fpay

      fpay - 2015-07-21

      Hi Bal,

      one option is to use the search & replace dialog, shortcut: ctrl + shift + f.
      You can filter and sort the nodes.

      Regards, Ay

  • Bal Simon

    Bal Simon - 2015-07-21

    Howdy -

    Thanks for the responses. I'm not good at building scripts yet, so I'm not currently able to go that route.

    On the other hand now that I have taken another look at the Search and Replace dialog and see the details it provides, I can definitely use that to help satisfy my opening request.

    - Bal