
Vote for Freeplane

  • Riadh BEN NESSIB

    Dear Dimitr Polivaev,

    I love Freeplane and i use it almost everyday!
    I'm happy that i can script with python in Freeplane. I can do some simple operation on my mindmaps.
    Exemple copy linked files(pdf , avi, doc ...) from differents directories to a new specific one.

    I'm traying to develop a tutorial about scripting Freeplane with python.

    You can see my file.

    Can i contribute to the script/jython page? Help me to improve the idea.


    Best regards

    • zipizap

      zipizap - 2016-10-07

      Hi Riadh
      Im also into scripting but with ruby (will announce an addon for it
      sometime in the near future)

      With your contribution the scripting becomes easier and larger to possible
      python programmers. So well done :)

      I did not look into your files yet, but I also think that its very
      important to document how to do it (scripting with python), so that
      freeplame user that want to try it can have a smooth experience and get
      deeper into it. I believe the most accessible place for such info could be
      the freeplane wiki, but surely Dimitry and/or Voljer or others can point
      you out the best way to go.

      Beat regards

  • Volker Börchers

    Hi Riadh!

    Can i contribute to the script/jython page? Help me to improve the idea.

    Of course you are welcome to contribute to the wiki! Please send me your wiki username via PM and I'll give you write permissions.


    • Riadh BEN NESSIB

      Hello everyone,

      This is the begining of my tutorial. I will improve it by describing all the branches and examples (in engish). I will add screenshots of all the instructions to install and use the tools needed.
      The examples are very easy and this is to motivate users to try and modify them to their one applications.

      My wiki username : riadhbennessib
      (of course i will contribute after your permissions and validation.)

      Best regards

      • Dimitry Polivaev

        I have registered you at wiki. You should get your account and password per e-mail.
        Regards, Dimitry

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    I think we already have a better description of jython integration at freeplane wiki which properly describes where the jython engine jar should be placed.


  • Dimitry Polivaev

    We’ve been voted as the SourceForge Community Choice Project of the Month for November.
    Congratulations and many thanks to all supporters.


    • zipizap

      zipizap - 2016-10-15

      Hurray !!!

    • elwood151

      elwood151 - 2016-10-22

      That's great!
      Congratulations and many thanks to you and the very active and responsive development team!
      I'm sorry I saw this posting too late to vote for Freeplane, but I'm glad you still made it without my support! :-)

  • Riadh BEN NESSIB


  • linuxuser123

    linuxuser123 - 2016-10-16

    Congrats and many thanks most of all to you, Dimitry and the whole Dev team behind Freeplane. Your work, dedication, friendliness & helpfulness is highly appreciated!


    Last edit: linuxuser123 2016-11-20