
Suggestion: Indicator of node descendent depth

Bal Simon
  • Bal Simon

    Bal Simon - 2016-02-12

    There are times when I'm looking at a collapsed node and I don't recall how many nodes lie under it - as children, grandchildren, etc.

    I would find it useful to have, perhaps in the status bar, an indication of the total number of descendents, the number of children, and perhaps, though less importantly, the number of grandchildren. I can't think of a time when I would find great-grandchildren or beyond a useful bit of data, as it could be coarsely understood by subtracting the number of children and grandchildren from the total number of descendents.

    I'm thinking something like this in the status bar as I mouse over or click a node.

    D = descendents
    C = children
    G = grandchildren

    The total number of greats and beyond = 115 - 33 = 82

    Not super-important, but I would find it useful.

    .. Bal

  • Ken Hill

    Ken Hill - 2016-02-12

    I can't remember ever wishing for something like this but now that you mention it, I suspect I would use it down the road.

    • Miguel Boyer

      Miguel Boyer - 2016-02-12

      This is pretty specific. At the same time, it's easy with a script. But I
      would use a pop up in the aforementioned script, instead of the s-bar.

  • fpay

    fpay - 2016-02-12

    Hi Bal,

    try: ctrl + alt + #. The result comes quite close to your request.

    Kind regards, Ay

  • Bal Simon

    Bal Simon - 2016-02-13

    I appreciate the response guys...

    Miguel - I'm taking your meaning as what is called a tooltip rather than a
    pop-up dialog? If so, could go either way.


    ctrl + alt + # doesn't seem to do anything on my system. What are you
    seeing? Could it be a keyboard combo that activates a menu item?



  • fpay

    fpay - 2016-02-15

    Sorry, this is my short-cut.
    I wanted to suggest to use the mindmap-statistics in combination with a short-cut.

    Kind regards, Ay

  • Bal Simon

    Bal Simon - 2016-02-16

    Thanks for clarifying it. Yes - I was aware of the Map Statistics on the File menu. My preference would be to simply mouse over a node and see some of that data (as per my opener) in the status bar. Having to click is certainly doable, but it's not smooth. Being able to "ride the map" and "see the sights" along the way is what I'm hoping for.

    ... Bal