j-lon - 2016-05-16

Can't remember if I brought this up before, so I thought I'd stick it out there again.

Has there been any consideration to creating a Freeplane notification service that would fire Freeplane notifications even when the user doesn't have Freeplane open? Seems like this would make Freeplane more useful as a Tasks/GTD type app.

In the alternative, I guess you could perhaps use something liek CalDav to create a Freeplane calendar which people could subscribe to in their calendar program, and then FP reminders would get pushed to that caledar. From there, the calendar program would handle firing the reminders. I've seen a number of programs handle reminders in this way.

I bring this up, because I created a map with some reminders in it, but then forgot about that map for a few weeks. So when I opened up Freeplane again, a bunch of old reminders fired. Consequently, the reminders weren't very userful .

I'm sure some folks just have Freeplane open all day long, so this isn't an issue and the reminders work great for them. But many users probably don't have it open all the time, so the reminders aren't as useful as they could be.