
Is it possible to tell Freeplane where to load pictures?

  • Robertonisola

    Robertonisola - 2016-03-26

    Hi friends,

    Currently, if I want to add picture P to the note of node N of map M1, I have to manually save P into the same directory of M1.

    Later on, if I want to copy N to another map, say M2, and if I just perform a normal copy and paste, then P will not be copied along with N. The result is that I cannot see P in M2.

    We all know that the reason causing this problem is because: When Freeplane loads a map, it only loads pictures from the directory of the map.

    Is there any way to specify some kind of a root directory for all the pictures, so that whenever Freeplane needs to load any of those pictures, it will seek inside that root directory? This way I can freely copy the content of a map to other maps without worrying about the pictures not being displayed.

    I'm using Freeplane 1.3.12.

    Thank you.

    • zipizap

      zipizap - 2016-03-27

      We all know that the reason causing this problem is because: When
      Freeplane loads a map, it only loads pictures from the directory of the map.

      Just to clarify this misunderstanding: freeplane is not so limited, you can
      use pictures from other paths different than the directory of the map, as
      you presented in your last post. If you use absolute paths in the html, you
      should have no problem when copying the node latter to other maps.

      Is there any way to specify some kind of a root directory for all the
      pictures, so that whenever Freeplane needs to load any of those pictures,
      it will seek inside that root directory? This way I can freely copy the
      content of a map to other maps without worrying about the pictures not
      being displayed.

      I'm using Freeplane 1.3.12.

      Thank you.

      Is it possible to tell Freeplane where to load pictures?

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  • Robertonisola

    Robertonisola - 2016-03-27

    I found the solution. It's quite trivial indeed. In case anyone goes into the same problem, just paste this into the HTML Code View:

    <img src="file:///C:/YourPicture.png">

    (Suppose that the picture name is YourPicture.png and it is stored in drive C).


    Last edit: Robertonisola 2016-03-27