
High density monitor (1.5.13 pre4)

  • Fredcl

    Fredcl - 2016-07-27


    Thanks for all the good and hard work on this excellent tool.

    I downloaded the latest preview to test the b ehaviour on a high density screen (surface pro4).
    Some observations :

    1. The scaling works but is with the settings I assumed to be correct a little too big (250 dpi, UI scaling on). The fonts of the menues are very large.
      Using 100dpi (despite the fact that my screen is about 250 dpi) gives a much better result. The menu fonts are not too large, neither too small for me.

    2. Scaling of the map names on the tabs does not work, neither on the fonts of the toolbar. They are too little to read on a convenient way.
      Is there a setting to scale them also ?

    3. icons ar enot scaled and too little, but I understood from other discussions is related to the actual size and format of the icon.

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    I can not reproduce your points. Please upload screen shots, even better open an bug report and add screen shots to it.

  • Fredcl

    Fredcl - 2016-07-29

    Hi Dimitry

    Herewith some screenshots showing the dpi setting on my surface pro 4. My windows scaling setting is 175% but should not be of influence.
    The screen of the surface pro4 is a high density screen (3k).

    Also the icons are shown on the screenshot as well the menu and toolbar / map-tab fonts.

    thanks in advance.


    • Dimitry Polivaev

      1. what happens if you try different look and feel options (selectable in the same preferences tab, restart required)?
      2. what happens if you activate the above check box "apply system screen resolution default"?
      3. Which value is your best to the maps? Actually the resolution settings are also used to calculate fonts used in map nodes

      Many thanks, Dimitry


    BLOOD WOLF 3 - 2016-07-30

    Hi fred
    i think it musst be the 175 scaling of windows. When i do this on my desktop i get similar results. Some parts are scaled enormously other not.

    Try to put the scaling to 100 and see if something changes. For me a custom scaling factor of 115 works great and looks better then the w1standard 125 percent.
    175 is a way tooo much and of course it has an influence on the FP window.


    • Fredcl

      Fredcl - 2016-07-31

      Hi Tony,

      Scaling of 100 does not work for this type of high definition monitor. The text is simply too small to be readable. Therefor we need for 3K or 4K laptop screens (Surface Pro4 has a 12,3 inch screen) always windows scaling.
      Changing this to 100 if you use Freeplane is also no valid option because typical I use Freeplane next to other applications like Chrome, Outlook, Excel etc. These tools are useless on 100 scaling on this type of screens.

      Also for larger screens the problem will occur in the future because the resolution will increase and the native fonts will get smaller and smaller........


      • BLOOD WOLF 3

        BLOOD WOLF 3 - 2016-08-03

        if i remind properly, the scaling can by applied to windows (includig all ui elements, like buttons..) or just to ui fonts. i can change the menu fonts sizes without changing other ui-elements. so, may be a custom scaling and font scaling, additionaly, would give you better results?

        i cant work with such a high scaling just because the whole ui wont work anymore. Often, its even not possible to get to buttons of some wizzard dialogs.

        so i just said to win10:

        make the custom scaling at about 115% and scale just the fonts instead.
        there are options to scale menu text, dialog text etc..

        give it a try.


  • Dimitry Polivaev

    I think I need to explain and do more for a better solution.

    Currently (1.5.13) the same scaling factor is applied to mind map fonts and UI fonts. So if you want to make the menu font size smaller you also make smaller your mind map nodes.

    I could separate this two issues.

    I could also use separate configurations for fonts for different UI elements. But I am not sure if it is really needed because I think that just one common scaling factor for all UI elements should be enough.

    Further I am not sure if this approach works the same way for all look and feels. You have to find it out.

    Also one look and feel allows to specify UI font sizes be setting java properties. I do not know how this two approaches operate together.

    I hope I was so clear that you understand what I mean. If not please ask your questions.

  • Fredcl

    Fredcl - 2016-08-10


    Thanks for the effort and explanation. I hope my findings help to improve Freeplane because I really like to tool and hope this can make the tool futureproof.
    I do not know exact which approach will deliver the best results but ideally you like to have the fonts / icons reproduced as also on the low resolution screens. With the same type of ratio between them.

    • Dimitry Polivaev

      We just do not have scalable icons right now. When we get them we can scale them too.

  • ion000

    ion000 - 2021-04-07

    If anyone gets here while googling why Freeplane has issues with high density/UHD/4K monitors: just switch to a newer JDK, like AdoptOpenJDK (16 at the time of writing).

  • ion000

    ion000 - 2021-04-07

    If anyone gets here while googling why Freeplane has issues with high density/UHD/4K monitors: just switch to a newer JDK, like AdoptOpenJDK (16 at the time of writing).