

  • JAY

    JAY - 2014-08-25

    I have a folder separate form the FREEPLANE folder. In the separate folder, I have images that I have clipped from various places that I want to link to different nodes in my FREEPLANE MM.

    I am having difficulty understanding how to have them hyper-linked from the interior of a NOTE field.

    If perhaps that is not clear enough, when I have a note, I would like to insert a normal hyper-link into the flow of the note and have it be "click-able" from right there in the note and have the result be, that the link produces the image, block of text, or whatever I would like to associate with that hyper-link, from right there in the note text. Is that a possible feat?

    I have read all of the user text in the HELP files, and unfortunately, this is escaping my ability to understand enough to successfully implement.

    H E L P!



    Last edit: JAY 2014-08-25
    • jokro

      jokro - 2014-10-01

      "I have a folder separate form the FREEPLANE folder. In the separate folder, I have images that I have clipped from various places that I want to link to different nodes in my FREEPLANE MM."

      Hi Jay,
      see addon RoAn. It can generate the links of all images in a single click. Select as destination the note field (by default it is the details field). See my previous post.
      Regards Jodi

  • Quinbus

    Quinbus - 2014-08-25

    Type your note in the note editor.

    Highlight the text you want to form the anchor text to your link.

    Select one of the two hyperlink menu items from the note editor "Edit" menu (the choose hyperlink option allows you to browse to a specific resource)...

    That's all there is to it!



    Last edit: Quinbus 2014-08-25
    • JAY

      JAY - 2014-08-29

      Q ...

      ... Thank you for the response. I have not yet had the chance to give this a try, however, I just saw your answer today and wanted to say Thanks.

      I'm trying to learn how to use the program to take live notes while sitting in live Cisco Networking class. Unfortunately, "trying to learn the software" @ the same time as trying to grasp the intricacies of EIGRP and frame relays tends to complicate matters. ; )

    • Jcrawfordx

      Jcrawfordx - 2014-10-01

      Hmmm... I tried to create a link in a note from the EDIT window as Qinbus suggested.

      I get a typical bit of text in blue with an underline indicating that it is a link. IN HTML mode, the code shows as a correctly formed link as:
      &a href="">whatever &/a>
      ("&" indicates the preceding "<" here)

      The problem is that when I click on that link in LAYOUT view, NOTHING HAPPENS. It does not load my browser and when I mouseover it, I do NOT get the little "pointing finger" symbol indicating that it is "hot".

      Links elsewhere such as in node labels, etc. seem to work fine.
      (Am using Freeplane 1.3.11 in Windows 8.1)

      How can I goto the links in my Notes? Suggestions, anyone? (Thanks!)


      Last edit: Jcrawfordx 2014-10-01
    • sensor66

      sensor66 - 2014-11-28

      I seem to be doing something wrong then. When I select my anchor text in the note, then use Edit>Link>Add or Modify hyperlink ... I get a link in the node. But I want the link under the text in the note.... ?

  • JAY

    JAY - 2014-08-29

    OK, saw how that should work.

    Now ... how do I go about inserting a "LINK" inside the same NOTE frame that will take me to, for example, a Wikipedia or Webopedia page page for live references?

    Again, Thanks.


  • JAY

    JAY - 2014-08-29

    Q ...

    ... Hold On To your Response Horses!.
    I just figured it all out. Well, at least the answer to my prior question.

    GOT IT!

    Works perfectly. Eventually, I think Freeplane will be a really great tool with which to battle my Cisco learning curve.
