
Export problems Flash / html

  • Johnny Boggota

    Johnny Boggota - 2017-07-06

    Hello everyone

    I realized a heuristic map (mental map) using Freeplane, I exported it in Flash and I find myself with:
    - a map.html file
    - a folder (map.html_files) containing: a file "flashobject.js", a file "map.", A file "visorFreeplane.swf"

    Normally (according to the tutorials I saw) by clicking on the file map.html it should open a web page with
    - a kind of heuristic card reader:
    - and the card itself

    But I have only the reader and the page is ... desperately white.

    I specify that all my other html or swf files open correctly and that java / flash are up to date

    Voila, if there are good souls before I sink into a deep depression ...

    thank you in advance

  • Luigi Kang

    Luigi Kang - 2017-07-07

    I also get a pretty white page, except a node that says "Undefined" at the upper left corner when I export a map to flash. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.