
Intermittent Rendering Problem

  • Robertonisola

    Robertonisola - 2016-06-19

    Hi friends,

    I have been experiencing this annoying rendering problem in notes. To demonstrate the problem, I will show you 2 pictures:

    This is normal text displayed in notes:

    But sometimes the text changed into this:

    When this error happens, I cannot read the text properly. For example, the underscore character cannot be seen.

    The problem occurs intermittently. And when it occurs, I need to minimize the Freeplane window, and then maximize it, and the error might go away.

    I am using 1.5.9, but I noticed this problem since 1.3.x.

    Have you ever gone into this problem before? Please show me a way to fix it.

    Thank you.

  • Robertonisola

    Robertonisola - 2016-06-23

    4 days, 20 views, and 0 answer. Ok, I get it, I have not described the problem clearly enough.

    Therefore I added 2 more pictures to demonstrate this problem:

    Here is when the text is normal:

    And here is when the text is erroneous:

    You can see there is a display problem with letter "g" in the 2 pictures. In the erroneous picture, the lower part of "g" is somehow trimmed.

    I have no clue why this happens. What do you think?

    Best regards,


  • Dimitry Polivaev

    May be I find some time to look at it at the weekend.

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Please add screen shots of complete freeplane window so that I can see where the problem occurs.

  • Robertonisola

    Robertonisola - 2016-06-24

    Hi Dimitry,

    Here is the complete Freeplane window:

    I have rearranged some items inside the window to suit my needs. The note panel is in the right, and it is big because I add a lot of contents to it.

    I also added pictures to the notes by directly editing the HTML source code (of course I use a script to automate this process).

    If one looks carefully into the picture I attached, one can see that the text is displayed inconsistently.

    To tackle this error, I have also tried some suggestions from this link:

    For example, I have played with different settings of "look and feel" and "anti-alias"... but the problem still remained.

    My system's configuration:
    +) Windows 7 x64 SP1.
    +) Freeplane 1.5.9
    +) Java version 8 update 60
    +) Monitor: Dell UltraSharp U2312HM 23"

    Please help me to solve this problem. In the process, I will provide any information you need.

    I love Freeplane.

    Thank you.


  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Sorry, I currently have no clue why rendering suddenly stops working.

  • Robertonisola

    Robertonisola - 2016-06-27

    Hi Dimitry,

    Thank you for your time anyway.

    Since no other users seeing the same error, maybe this problem is only specific to my system.

    Therefore I will try to figure out the solution myself.

    Best regards,
