
search by icon?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-10-14

    I've been using the Fkeys at the top for marking questions and importance. I'd
    like to be able to search across all open MM files for those nodes. How would
    I do that via FP?

    The help docs don't mention it:
    Searching and Filtering
    You can search and filter nodes based on its text, icons,
    creation/modification time, position, priority, connectors, hyperlinks, notes
    and attributes.
    To find text or other criteria in a node and all its descendant nodes, use
    Edit > Find... or press Ctrl + F.
    To find the next match of your previous search, use Edit > Find Next or press
    Ctrl + G.
    The search is a breadth-first search. In other words, the deeper a node, the
    later it will be found.
    This search method currently works only on the currently-selected node and its
    descendants. In the future there may be an option to continue the search
    through the rest of the map.
    To search the entire map for all occurrences of matching text, with an
    optional to supply replacement text, use "Edit > Find and Replace..." A
    similar method can be used across all currently-open maps by choosing "Edit

    Find and Replace in all maps."
    You can build filters to see only a subset of map nodes. Use the Filter
    Toolbar or the Filter Menu.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-10-14

    Didn't find a way to 'search' by icon but I did find a way to 'sort' by icon.

  • jayseye

    jayseye - 2010-10-14

    This would probably be a new Feature Request, to Find by Icon across multiple

    Do other users think this would be useful?

    If so, then perhaps all the options in the "Find..." dialog could be added to
    the "Find and Replace in all maps" window.


  • Dennis Daniels

    Dennis Daniels - 2010-10-19

    I'm finding the 'find and replace in all maps' table is working fine for me. I
    would like to see the name of the maps as a column of data but that's a
    different request.

  • Dennis Daniels

    Dennis Daniels - 2010-10-19
  • jayseye

    jayseye - 2010-10-19

    +1 for adding a column to show the name of all maps in which the search term
    is found. Currently this information is available only at the bottom of the
    window, for one row at a time, by clicking that row in the search results.

    This was part of a previous Feature Request which was recently reopened; see
    Bug Note 0001282 in:


  • Nam

    Nam - 2010-10-19

    Even if it's not possible to search icon accross map I personnaly use
    "filters" to display only nodes with a defined icon and it works well.

    Hope this helps,


  • jayseye

    jayseye - 2010-10-19

    Hello, Nam -

    Yes, filters are a powerful feature, and I find them very useful for GTD
    (Getting Things Done). However, a lot of users seem to find filters confusing;
    perhaps they could be documented more clearly, say, on the Wiki?


  • Michael Smith

    Michael Smith - 2018-02-15

    It's been over 7 years, where's the ability to "find and replace" based on the icon?

    Personally I find normal searching and filtering very annoying because to preserve how my map is folded I have to remember to select the root node and save before I start searching so I can revert when I am done searching.

    For this reason the "find and replace" option is very useful, due to the fact that it allows me to see a list of matches without disturbing the map unless I specifically choose to jump to it.

    I'm using icons at the moment to code tasks that I'm able to start immediately (e.g. "next actions" in GTD) but when I go to search for them and get a nice list of them I find that I can't, because I can't search by icon.

    Let's get this fixed, where do we start? It sounds like the options in the "Find..." dialog need to be added to the "Find and Replace in all maps" window.

  • Michael Smith

    Michael Smith - 2018-02-15

    It would also help if the way filters work actually made sense.

    For instance, I have a sub-tree I want to filter on containing a specific icon. I select "Icon" "Contains" and the icon in question, make sure the sub-tree is selected, and click on "Filter selected nodes". However, some of the nodes that are not visible do NOT contain the required icon. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, butif so, it shouldn't be that easy!

  • Luigi Kang

    Luigi Kang - 2018-02-15

    I just did some testing, and after clicking "Filter Selected Nodes", clicking "No Filtering" removes the filter and remembers the previously folded nodes.