
Map overview and new map scrolling features in Preview 1.9.3_01

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  • Ding Fei

    Ding Fei - 2021-05-26

    I get it now, the vim mapping idea comes before I know freeplane's pretty flexible key mapping. I can easily configure freeplane to responds keystrokes in VIM mode now. Really cool!

  • Miguel Boyer

    Miguel Boyer - 2021-05-26

    Thanks Dimitry.
    I'm not sure whether you are saying that my feature proposal could be
    solved through VIM. If so, i will look at that.
    On the other hand, I just wanted to underline that my feature proposal has
    nothing to do with the new "overview map feature".
    My panning request is unrelated to the panning of the "overview map". Its
    about moving around , or panning, the real map itself.
    Sorry again if i am interrupting.

    • Ding Fei

      Ding Fei - 2021-05-26

      I searched the codebase and found that these's no action (i.e. Menu Item) for direct panning, i.e. scrolling the map in a fixed step, like normal arrow key scrolling in a scrollable webpage. For now the arrow keys are mapped to node selection, not for map panning (scrolling) around. I'll consider contribute these actions so users can have this kind of map panning (scrolling).

      For example, in my VIM proposal (to be discarded), 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L' is mapped to scrolling so I can pan a little bit without change node selection.

      • Dimitry Polivaev

        Yes, I suggest to introduce new action classes like any others and to place them in the menus to replace current hard coded keys.

      • Miguel Boyer

        Miguel Boyer - 2021-05-26

        So interesting, Ding. Thank you so much.
        Will have to investigage how to use VIM.
        Confused about that.

  • Edo Frohlich

    Edo Frohlich - 2021-05-29

    Hi Miguel,
    I know I'm coming late to this discussion and I don't want to comment on the solution you and the others are proposing.
    Just wanted to add that for the problem of moving the map when editing an specific node: currently you can achieve that by using the editing dialog (Alt + Enter).
    You can freely move the map while editing the node text.
    You can also open dialogs from multiple nodes in the map at the same map and copy/ paste text between them.
    You can even do this with multiple maps at the time: open the dialog for a node in one map and then go to other map and open morde dialogs. Edit them and the changes will be apllied to the corresponding nodes in their corresponding map.

    just my 2 cents

    • Miguel Boyer

      Miguel Boyer - 2021-05-29

      Sorry I didn't make my self understood. I'm not talking about moving while
      editing in SymplyHTML.
      Forget about editing the node:
      I just want to pan the map, through the arrows in the keyboard, without
      changing the focused node. Like dragging the whole tree with the keyboard.
      Thanks a lot for your willingness to help.

  • Alexandre

    Alexandre - 2021-05-27

    Hi Ding,
    Would it be possible to make the overview map panel rectangular, in the sense that oftentimes the space taken by the map in the panel will be filled horizontally or vertically, very seldom I guess that the map will take a square space with the height of the map being the exact same as the height. So now often we see for example the map filling the panel horizontally without space on the right and the left, but at the top and the bottom there is "huge" space taken for nothing because the panel is square.
    If the panel could resize itself to become of rectangular size like the map it would save space.
    This is because of laptop monitor restricted space.

    • Ding Fei

      Ding Fei - 2021-05-27

      See , the overview will be resizabe in the future

      • Alexandre

        Alexandre - 2021-05-27

        Hi Ding,

        Yes resizable is cool and needed. But still if the overview panel was rectangular and adjusted to the width and height of the map it would save more space. But I don't know if this is hard to do or no. Sometimes the things that seems simple are hard to do because of the existing code and frameworks.

        • Dimitry Polivaev

          Hi Alexandre,

          actually, Ding has already tried it and found it to cause too much distraction, see

          I totally agree that the element should not change its shape by itself.

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Dear Alexandre, my concern is not the amount of requests but the insufficient reasoning about it.
    As a person requesting and motivating us to do some work you need to communicate the reasons and arguments. For example saying that your monitor has a small size or giving us other insights. Please check this post to see what I mean:

    • Alexandre

      Alexandre - 2021-05-26

      Hi Dmitry,


      I work with a laptop everyday and I have currently only the laptop screen. Before at the offices could have like 3 or even 4 screens. The laptop screen is still not small (17.3") but there is only 1 so many time Freeplane is docked on the left side.

      I saw the mentions about a vim keyboard. This would be awesome. If it could be both in normal mode (to move the nodes, delete them etc) and also in edit mode (when editing the core text).

      Also I wanted to mention that I tested the other feature request that is presented in this thread, the one to move the current node to the left, right, top etc. And the option to move it to the left doesn't work, it moves the node to the center.

      Many Thanks.

  • Alexandre

    Alexandre - 2021-06-02

    Hi Ding,
    Could it be possible to add a X in the top-right corner of overview maps so that if we don't want the overview map for some maps we could close it clicking the X?
    Still, the show/hide overview map option would show and hide the overview maps on all maps, it is just that when they are showed we could close them.
    In my case, I have for example Freeplane splitted in 3 views, and on some maps I would like the overview map, and on some map I don't need it.

    • Ding Fei

      Ding Fei - 2021-06-02

      Nice proposal, I'll use a popup menu item for this. Thanks for asking.


      Last edit: Ding Fei 2021-06-02
    • Ding Fei

      Ding Fei - 2021-06-03

      Hi Alexandre,
      Sorry to inform you that this feature will not be available. Please refer to

      • Alexandre

        Alexandre - 2021-06-04

        Hi Ding,
        I checked that page but I don't understand the issue.
        That would have been a nice feature, even today I wanted to close some
        overview maps on some views, but to keep it on other views.
        Thanks anyway.


        Last edit: Dimitry Polivaev 2021-06-04
        • Dimitry Polivaev

          Hi Alexandre,

          I have an impression that we do not understand each other.
          As long as I don't understand you I obviously can not implement or even support your requests. So, let me try to say it once again.

          When you write "That would have been a nice feature, even today I wanted to close some overview maps on some views, but to keep it on other views" it is not enough for the developers to find a solution which can help to fulfill your need.

          Because you have not explained WHY you want to see overviews at some maps and WHY you want to close them at some other maps.

          If you could communicate what you wanted to achieve we could have a chance of working out how it can be implemented. Just declaring a wish to do so is not enough, because each development has its costs and limits other developments in the future.

          To articulate you case you can upload tons of screen shots explaining how you work and which limitations you experience. If you have strong reasons and can communicate your needs and your pain clearly we probably can find a solution which works for you.

          Kind regards,

  • sfpcom

    sfpcom - 2021-06-05

    Hi Ding Fei, I very much appreciate your map overview solution & I utilize it continuously.
    Normally the size of the overview is about 1:8
    Yesterday activating a new pc i discovered that changing java and using a more recent version (8 291) the full graphics of FP changed drastically and the overview was at least 1:6 (too big) so installed an older version. But for beeing not too invadent the possibility of resizing the overview would be a very necessary tool.
    Do you think to develop it?
    in attachment my actual size (with java 8 202) just as reference.
    Best regards

    • Dimitry Polivaev

      Yesterday activating a new pc i discovered that changing java and using a more recent version (8 291) the full graphics of FP changed drastically

      You need to fix monitor size in Freeplane preferences

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    New MapOverview features available in preview 1-9-4_01
    Hint: drag-and-drop overview pane edges, double-click at the overview pane corners

  • sfpcom

    sfpcom - 2021-06-06

    Thankyou both. Wonderful! Perfect even the movable possibility.

  • euu

    euu - 2021-06-06

    I just tried MapOverview for the first time here. It's a great addition. I already see myself using it all the time. Thanks!

    Some things I noted in this first impression:

    • About zooming using the mouse wheel with the cursor over MapOverview: it starts behaving strangely once you move the purple rectangle inside the MapOverview (the focus spot). See the FP.mp4 attached. I start with the yellow node selected; move the focus spot; zoom out and it goes in a diagonal trajectory in direction of outside the map; zoom in and it starts a diagonal trajectory in the direction of selected node. In my opinion, it's a better behavior if the zoom has as a pivot the center of the focus spot itself. In yEd.mp4 attached you can see how it behaves in yEd. I think this makes more sense, because, once you move the focus spot to a certain area of the map, when you zoom in and out you are interested in the spot.

    • Again, about zooming using the mouse wheel with the cursor over MapOverview: I wish I could use larger steps of zoom. In other programs, I use the Map Overview to navigate in a quick, jumpy, rough way. If I want to go meticulous, I simply use the main view (instead of the OVERview). The map overview in yEd is a good example in that aspect.

    • the map overview is not visible on fullscreen.

    • I don't see the usefulness of the little anchor emoji. It's unintuitive: the first time I saw it I tried to interact, but nothing happens (after, I learned it's meaning). Also, if you unsnap the MapOverview the anchor emoji just stays there, without any meaning.



    Last edit: euu 2021-06-06
    • Dimitry Polivaev

      . In my opinion, it's a better behavior if the zoom has as a pivot the center of the focus spot itself. In yEd.mp4 attached you can see how it behaves in yEd. I think this makes more sense, because, once you move the focus spot to a certain area of the map, when you zoom in and out you are interested in the spot.

      @danix800 Could you please check yEd.mp4 ? I think setting zoom center point to the cursor on the overview makes sense. Would you be interested to implement it? Should I do it?

      • Dimitry Polivaev

        Again, about zooming using the mouse wheel with the cursor over MapOverview: I wish I could use larger steps of zoom. In other programs, I use the Map Overview to navigate in a quick, jumpy, rough way. If I want to go meticulous, I simply use the main view (instead of the OVERview). The map overview in yEd is a good example in that aspect.

        yEd.mp4 looks like a good behavior here too. @danix800 how do you see it?

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