Petr Prikryl - 2017-10-11


I am using Freeplane for some time; anyway, I am using it very simple way. Recently I tried to use it for implementation planning where there are the leaf steps with explicit time in hours to implement it, like:

implementing the core functionality (5 h)

I have learned that I can add the attribute and formula. So, I can add say h attribute with the value 5 (Alt+F9), and then I can write the formula to the node like:

= "implementing the core functionality (" + node['h'].num0 + " h)"

The upper nodes (if the root of the tree is up ;) can contain the same formula in the text of the node and another formula for the attribute like:

= children.sum(0){it['h'].num0}

In other words, the h attributes contain or the formula for sum or the explicit value. The text of the node contains the formula that displays a text with (55 h) appended where the number in parentheses shows the attribute (here 55 being the example of the summed values from children).

Is there any way to define a template for a new user style that would display the note text or as a it was typed if the h attribute was not defined, or as the text applied to the formula if the attribute exists?

In the Format tab (right panel with preferences), the Core text section, the Format combo, I can see formats like #.## %. Would it be possible to define a formula as a format?

My goal is to simply switch the user style of the nodes without the need to type-in the formulas.




Last edit: Petr Prikryl 2017-10-11