
Announcing FreeplaneJrubyInstaller !!!!

  • zipizap

    zipizap - 2017-10-09

    To live the full experience of this post leave playing this music

    After years and years of continuous motivation, scarse time and intermitent lazyness, here it is finally - the homebrewed FreeplaneJrubyInstaller addon !!!!

    The what?

    The FreeplaneJrubyInstaller. Its is an addon to run Ruby scripts in freeplane.

    Freeplane supports groovy (.groovy) and javascript (.js) scripts out-of-the-box.

    This addon adds support for ruby (.rb) scripts, enabling you to run ruby scripts (ex: <freeplane-user-dir>/scripts/my_ruby_script.rb) alongside the out-of-the-box .groovy and .js scripts.

    What is it good for?

    I personally prefer to program in ruby, and is easy to use the Freeplane Scripting API from ruby. Yes, surprisingly easy :)

    Also, the addon includes a RubyLiveDebugger to test ruby and the API at any moment.... I think the debugger its really incredible, have a look: With it we can program freeplane while its running... thats how I manytimes gave quick-help with scripting questions in the forum, because the debugger made it sooo easy to use the API to quick-test something, and ruby is very similar to groovy (but simpler IMHO)

    I've noticed that some freeplane users get to a point that they need to create scripts to empower their freeplane usage. It happened to me, and that is how I got into scripting. And truth is, it really boosted my productivity

    So I tried to make this addon with 2 objectives:
    - To make it easy to install&run ruby scripts, for everyone
    - To be helpfull for non-programmers who want to try first-steps-of-programming with Ruby and make simple Freeplane ruby scripts

    For that, I (slowly) took months thinking and writting down some wiki pages about learning to program in ruby, how to do it with the Freeplane Scripting Api, and such...

    Well, enough talk - take a walk in the wild side, and have a look

    PS: I've documented the addon in the freeplane wiki pages, the first place that came up to my mind, and without any shame. If its not the best place, just tell me and I can move them somewhere else :)
    PS2: didnt tested in a MAC, so if you do, tellme back if the RubyLiveDebugger xterm window opened correctly (as in Linux)


    Last edit: zipizap 2017-10-09
  • Mike Petonic

    Mike Petonic - 2017-10-10

    ZZ! Not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need!

    Thanks, ZipZap. Great work. I prefer Python and was farting around in Jython, but with really quirky results (probably my fault). I may just switch into Ruby.


    • zipizap

      zipizap - 2017-10-10

      Mike, make a (scripty) wish.....

  • Luigi Kang

    Luigi Kang - 2017-10-12

    This is cute--I'm here to comment about the cat, not the addon. :p

  • zipizap

    zipizap - 2019-01-09

    Just in case, this addon is still working :)
    I've been using it ever since with a couple of my-own ruby scripts.