
ChromeOS (Pixelbook) and screen resolution

  • Fil Salustri

    Fil Salustri - 2019-02-09

    The good news: the apt package (1.5.x) for freeplane seems to work as a Linux (beta) app on ChromeOS on my Pixelbook. So, YAY for that.

    However, everything is sooo tiny. Seems like the default font size is around 8pt or smaller.
    I'm kind of assuming it's got something to do with screen resolution.

    Here's the question: Is there any way to (preferably) change the default font size in Freeplane? Alternatively, does anyone know how to change the screen resolution ONLY IN LINUX on ChromeOS?

  • Fil Salustri

    Fil Salustri - 2019-02-09

    I should add: I just found out that in ChromeOS 72 there's supposed to be some attempt to regulate resolution. I'm still at 71. I will hopefully get the update soon and will report back.

    In the meantime, though, I'd still be interested in knowing if there's a way to set the default font (size) within Freeplane.

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Freeplane 1.7 has support for high resolution monitors, it is an improvement over version 1.5

    • Fil Salustri

      Fil Salustri - 2019-02-10

      Thanks. All I could get via apt-get was 1.5. I'll see if I can download/install 1.7 manually.

      • Felix Natter

        Felix Natter - 2019-02-10

        hi Fil,

        there is an "upstream deb":

        This is like a normal deb (install with sudo dpkg -i), but it contains all dependencies,
        so it is independent of the distro.

        Cheers and Best Regards,

        • Fil Salustri

          Fil Salustri - 2019-02-10

          Thanks. I'll try that later today.

        • Fil Salustri

          Fil Salustri - 2019-02-10

          Good news: I now have a functioning version of 1.7.5. YAY.
          (Thanks for the pointer to the .deb thing. Now I know where to go in the future.)

          Even better news: I found the "monitor size" option, and I have successfully enlarged stuff to the point I can read/see/use it!

          I have not at all tested it rigorously, but it sure looks promising!