
How to create a Multilingual Map ?

  • Arno

    Arno - 2014-08-21

    Hi All,

    I would like to create a map in 2 languages (I don't need an automatic translation), then switch between English and the other language.

    Is it possible with FreePlane ?


  • jokro

    jokro - 2014-08-21

    Hi Arno,
    Please make yourself more clear.
    You want one map with two languages or can it be two maps each in a different language.
    If you want the former, why can't it be the latter ?

    In case of the former option:
    1. define a style for each language
    2. apply the proper language style to each node
    3. define a filter which select all nodes with a particular style
    4. Connect the filter to an <F>-key for easy switching

    In case of the latter option:
    The Freeplane Help files are in different languages and you automaticaly get the Help file in your current language, or the language you set in the preferences.
    You could make a script to do the same with your files.


  • Volker Börchers

    Jodi's solution sounds good. Another idea: keep the first language in the node text and the texts for the second language in node details. A script could be used to switch back and forth.


  • jokro

    jokro - 2014-08-23

    can you elaborate on your use case?

    I use the same mind map (content) with different languages. I develop a map in one language and then replace its text with a different language. In this way links etc. keep working. If adding nodes to one map, I copy these same nodes to the other map.
    At use time I have the different maps open at the same time and I switch by pressing the tab vor the map. A disadvantage of this method is that moving to the different map, the selected node and folding state is different. I think of developing a script which will open the map in another language with the same node selected and optionally children open. What do you think ?
    Regards Jodi

  • Arno

    Arno - 2014-08-25

    Hi Jodi,

    Thanks for your answers

    I'm working on ISO/IEC standards that are multi-translated documents. English is this original version.

    I sometimes need to work with the original version, and sometimes with a translated one.

    When I add a node in the english version I also need it in the translated one.

    So I though it will be simpler to have only one document with 2 languages, and switch from one to other in one click.

    Is it clearer ?

    I'll try your 1st option by using styles an keep you in touch.
