
How to expand ancestors ?

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  • quickfold

    quickfold - 2021-10-09

    Dimitry, I'm not sure if this is possible, but if you don't want people to reply to comments in a semi-threaded way, can you remove the "reply" button? It is quite natural to use it since it's there.

    • Dimitry Polivaev

      Well, I am afraid I do not own the button, it is a part of SourceForge site, and I can not easily disable it or change how it works.

      • quickfold

        quickfold - 2021-10-11

        If you think that not using in-thread replies is important, I suggest you make a sticky post. I'm fine with it but it is counter-intuitive at this point.

  • Robert STeiner

    Robert STeiner - 2021-10-09

    @dpolivaev @euu

    If I got it right, you want to be able to see the ancestors and/or descendants of the connected nodes which you can open using the connector goto submenu when the corresponding filter options are enabled,.

    Request Draft

    1. I'd like to navigate to nodes excluded from the filter. Up the node hierarchy and down the node hierarchy.
    2. Number 1. should also apply, if the starting node was excluded from the filter but revealed by following a connector.
    3. If I travel up/down the hierarchy, I need to reveal all nodes on the expanded level within the current branch.

    So much for the needs :)

    I've seen the youtube video that introduces MapInsight once. At the moment I have no clue how plugins are supported in the long term, so I avoid them. But I agree.... it is a chance to learn from it.


    Last edit: Robert STeiner 2021-10-09
  • Robert STeiner

    Robert STeiner - 2021-10-09

    @quickfold @dpolivaev

    citing quickfold

    but if the main use is for helping simplfy the display for when someone else is looking at your complicated Freeplane map on your computer as you walk them through parts of it, I would consider it extremely low priority.

    One more thing, about complicated maps. Whoever introduced connectors, has opened Pandoras Box ;) Now maybe Freeplanes main use cases are much different from mine, but surley Freeplanes possibilites became gigantic with connectors. They are powerful. One can basically adopt data structures and visuals for all kind of information.

    I love it :)


    Last edit: Robert STeiner 2021-10-09
  • euu

    euu - 2021-10-11

    After freeplane-1.9.11-pre02, "show ancestors" and "show descendants" flags are applied to any node in the map.

    About the request, I reiterate that I think it's low priority (filters are niche; connectors are niche; navigating invisible nonfiltered nodes through connectors is niche^10), but, just to make the request more complete:

    We currently have Select Up/Down/Right/Left, but they are only applied to filtered nodes. So, the suggestion is to add a key modifier that would make this Select command include the nonfiltered nodes.

    Also, adding Select AllAscendants/AllDescendants/AllSiblings may be of general interest.


    Last edit: euu 2021-10-11
  • Robert STeiner

    Robert STeiner - 2021-10-14


    We currently have Select Up/Down/Right/Left, but they are only applied to filtered nodes. So, the suggestion is to add a key modifier that would make this Select command include the nonfiltered nodes.

    I like both ideas. It rounds up the handling filtered nodes quiet nicely.

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