
Should a reminder activate, when the parent map is closed?

  • Robert STeiner

    Robert STeiner - 2021-09-28

    Reminders activate only with their map open

    Currently reminders do no activate when the parent map is closed.

    Problem - Approach prone to missing reminders

    It is necessary to keep all maps with reminders open. Otherwise the reminders won't activate. But how does the user track maps that need to stay open?

    My conclusion

    I personally do not see how reminders can be reliable, when the parent map needs to stay open. Maybe a different approach is needed, if reminders are to be leveraged :)


    Last edit: Robert STeiner 2021-10-02
  • quickfold

    quickfold - 2021-09-29

    Can you describe what behavior you want/expect? I don't see how Freeplane could "know about" reminders without both Freeplane and the map with the reminders being open.

    I don't use FP for task management currently, but I assume that most who do have one large "task" map that they keep open most of the time. Do you put tasks in many maps? If you describe your use case more specifically, maybe others can recommend a certain workflow.

    • Robert STeiner

      Robert STeiner - 2021-10-02

      Well I'd like to replace outlook/thunderbird with Freeplane reminders. I track tasks in Freeplane, so... reminders should stick to tasks and wherever they are needed.

      @euu and @sfpcom are talking about one single map for all reminders. But this is a workaround. And it disrupts the workflow. I'd like to add reminders fast, where they belong. no linking of nodes in seperate maps.

      Anyway... the approach is similar. I think freeplane should somehow track all reminders for all maps.

      • How about connecting a caldav calender?
      • How about a local database within freeplane?
      • quickfold

        quickfold - 2021-10-03

        I think you are imagining that FP is a different type of program than it is. It is a mindmapping program with some added calendar and reminder functions. It is not fundamentally a task/project management program. Creating and editing maps is its core purpose and it is not going to restructure to perform functions outside of maps.

  • sfpcom

    sfpcom - 2021-09-29

    Hi, just for info: I use a lot of reminders, but I keep all of them in a specific map dedicated only for them and they are linked to their own nodes in the other maps.
    To manage time I use a combination of reminders (in the specific map) and attributes in all the other maps. Normally I have hundreds of subprojects in ten-twenty of projects.

  • euu

    euu - 2021-10-01

    I can recommend using a single map for everything. I've been using one big map (currently 100k nodes) for years, with no problems of performance or any sort.

    • quickfold

      quickfold - 2021-10-02

      How big is the .mm file? Are there any/many images or is it 99% text? Also, not to derail the thread, but is your main use more knowledge management, project/task management, or other things? I'm not sure how I would navigate a map that big. Most of my maps are single-topic but I would love to have everything in one map if possible.

      • euu

        euu - 2021-10-04

        The .mm is 34MB, and it's 99% text. My use is both for knowledge management and project/task management.

        I'm not sure how I would navigate a map that big.

        I rely a lot on virtual desktops on Windows and map views on FP. Right now, I have 13 map views openned across 9 virtual desktops. So, for each activity that I do, I simply navigate to the corresponding virtual desktop, and it has map views focused on the relevant branches. Using 3 screens also helps, but, recently, I spent some weeks using a simple laptop and I felt fine, too.

        The Jumper addon is also very useful. Using it on the whole map crashes FP (but only if you search for more than one word, so maybe it's a bug), but it works fine and quick even on big branches.

        And, it's also possible to use the Bookmarks addon.

        @sfpcom, as long as I don't have too many nodes opened at the same time on the same view, the general interaction is instantaneous here, on a (rather old) 8GB RAM PC. I think it's a bit about a technique of navigating using certain paths. I don't do it consciously, but I'm all the time using hotkeys to open new map views, and fold/unfold in order to have only relevant nodes showing at each map view.

        Also, I don't use formulas. Maybe, they are a source of problems, because of recalculations and things like that. Only recently I started using images, but I imagine they are not a problem for performance, because (I think) they are only loaded when the node is unfolded.

        It would be interesting to make some tests in order to identify the things that bite the performance, so the users can use a strategy of leaving only those things for a second map.

        • Edo Frohlich

          Edo Frohlich - 2021-10-05

          My maps are big but not so much: 8 or 9 MB
          It seems that Freeplane 's speed depends on how many nodes are visible at the time, not how many nodes has the map. I use conditional styles and I don't have problem with speeds. It seems it is very efficient to know whento recalculate the conditional rules of a certain node.
          Things that greatly slows my maps are:
          nodes with too many direct children
          nodes with hyperlinks to files that are not available at the moment. I have a map with links to files that are in an external drive, and if the drive is not connected Freeplane goes slow with that map.

          @euu: do you use a special software for virtual desktops in Windows? I use virtuawin for a long time.

          • euu

            euu - 2021-10-08

            do you use a special software for virtual desktops in Windows? I use virtuawin for a long time.

            No, I use the standard Windows 10 virtual desktops. I will check this virtuawin, thanks.

  • sfpcom

    sfpcom - 2021-10-01

    Hi euu, just to share, before of using FP I was using TheBrain, but when I reached a structured level with the normal pc it took to me minutes to open a map and tens of sec to interact (it became unfeasible), when I moved to FP for quite the same size I was within 1 sec answer time.
    (even if I miss the opportunity to link in 1 passage outlook emails to nodes) FP is very useful (again compliments to FP developers)

    Now I load images, formulas, markdown, continuously but if the updating time of a map becomes in seconds the result for my use is that I cannot follow a full meeting but only a % and therefore the map becomes very annoying.

    After using your strategy for at least 2 years I decidedly needed to change it, and currently I'm doing this way: (all have tags as attributes, plenty of images, a lot of formulas, many with markdown structured branches with hundreds of nodes)
    1. a map for all reminders
    2. a map for all the projects (contents and action plans, subprojects, docs to magerial issues)
    3. a map for all of the supporting knowledge (to my projects)
    4. a map for all of links (favorites link: many thousends structured with tag)
    5. some other maps for specific needs

    Basically I always look for speed up interactivity because in a meeting I can load images every 5 sec for 1 hour.... and takes plenty of notes, copying info from excel files or pptx, and so on. And with covid-19 we have tens and more of people in Teams meetings.
    So, euu, I appreciate your comments that often could provide to me new ideas or suggestions.