Changing the max node width and min node width using the format panel doesn't work. I tried many times and combinations of clicking and editing these fields and at some point the node size changed but I could make it change anymore after. I tried restarting but it was same after restart.
In version 1.8.x this was working without doing anything special.
Old Bug Tickets replaced by GitHub Issues: #2913
Maybe I should say that I am running freeplane from source code. I compiled it and run it from the command line.
I just tried with Freeplane-Setup-1.9.0-pre17.exe installed (binaries), and it still dosen't work. I cannot set the max node width.
Do you consider "min" and "max" settings?
I need to know what I should do to see the bug,
currently I can not see it.
Sorry it is not a bug maybe, it is because I had links in the text and long test strings with no spaces. Node text is wrapped according to the node max width only if there are spaces in the text, the next word will appear on the next line. But without spaces a super long word will just display on the same line whatever the max node with is set to.
Hi Dmitry,
Maybe it could be possible to wrap text so nodes keep the max size?
On Sun, Apr 25, 2021, 2:43 PM Dimitry Polivaev wrote:
Old Bug Tickets replaced by GitHub Issues: