
#2631 Version 1.7.x says "Java 10 not supported" at launch time

Next Release

Like the title says, I'm unable to launch FP. On Windows 10.


Old Bug Tickets replaced by GitHub Issues: #2631


  • Felix Natter

    Felix Natter - 2018-12-07

    hi Neo,

    unfortunately, jre10 contains a bug which is why it cannot be supported by Freeplane.
    Please uninstall jre10 and install jre11.

    Cheers and Best Regards,

  • Luke Plant

    Luke Plant - 2018-12-18

    I get the same message on Linux on startup, but I already have JRE 11 installed. At least, I have "openjdk-11-jre" installed, which is the latest version of openjdk available.

    If I run "java --version" I get:

    openjdk 10.0.2 2018-07-17
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 10.0.2+13-Ubuntu-1ubuntu0.18.04.4)
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 10.0.2+13-Ubuntu-1ubuntu0.18.04.4, mixed mode)
  • Luke Plant

    Luke Plant - 2018-12-18

    Hm, looks like I actually have version 10, strange packaging thing -

    • Fygul Hether

      Fygul Hether - 2018-12-18

      For Ubuntu 18.04:

      sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre

      It's real version 11

      • Luke Plant

        Luke Plant - 2018-12-20

        Thanks so much Fygul, this solved my problem.

      • footel

        footel - 2019-02-27

        Do I have to uninstall my java10 first?

        • Dimitry Polivaev


  • Felix Natter

    Felix Natter - 2018-12-18

    hi Luke,
    did you activate the openjdk-11-jre with "sudo update-java-alternatives --list/--set"?

    Cheers and Best Regards,

  • Tom Williams

    Tom Williams - 2019-02-05

    Fygul, I ran the three commands, and everything seems OK. At least it installs, and opens. Thank you.

  • Ted Stockett

    Ted Stockett - 2019-02-27

    Win 10 pro
    Java 8 - 152
    Freeplane 1.7.6

    I am seeing the quoted text, "freeplane is not compatible with Java 10", from the shortcut startup -- Error: Unable to access jarfile /cygdrive/c/Program Files/Freeplane/freeplanelauncher.jar
    Cygwin: freeplane.bat -- works
    Cygwin: freeplane.exe -- not compatible error

    CMD: freeplane.exe -- not compatible error
    CMD: freeplane.bat -- works

    • Volker Börchers

      Hi Ted,

      if Freeplane generates the incompatibility error then it actually picks up a Java version 10. On Windows better stick to .bat or .exe and resolve the PATH i.e. ensure that Java 10 does noch occur first in your PATH. Also watch out for the variable JAVA_HOME.


      • Ted Stockett

        Ted Stockett - 2019-03-07

        How does the .exe track down the Java version? I do have a Java 10 on my hard drive but there is no reference to it. Other than the path there is no environment that references Java. If you want to give me a few hints, I can try looking in the code.



        Last edit: Volker Börchers 2019-03-08
        • Volker Börchers

          I do have a Java 10 on my hard drive but there is no reference to it. Other than the path there is no environment that references Java

          I don't understand: Do you have Java 10 in the path variable or not? The simplest would be to uninstall Java 10 and to install 11.


          • Ted Stockett

            Ted Stockett - 2019-03-08

            Sorry for the confusion. Java 10 is not in the path variable. There is no reference to it in the environment.

            What I tried to say, not very well, was that there is a java in my PATH but it points to a Java 8.

            java -version

            java version "1.8.0_152"
            Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_152-b16)
            Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.152-b16, mixed mode)

            We will be installing Java 11 soon but for the time being Java 8 is what I need on my machine. As I pointed out before, the Java 8 seems to be working fine with Freeplane if I start it directly from the jar with the .bat file.


            From: "Volker Börchers"
            Sent: Friday, March 8, 2019 2:22 PM
            To: [freeplane:bugs]
            Subject: [freeplane:bugs] Re: #2631 Version 1.7.x says "Java 10 not supported" at launch time

            I do have a Java 10 on my hard drive but there is no reference to it. Other than the path there is no environment that references Java

            I don't understand: Do you have Java 10 in the path variable or not? The simplest would be to uninstall Java 10 and to install 11.


            [bugs:#2631] Version 1.7.x says "Java 10 not supported" at launch time

            Status: new
            Group: Next Release
            Created: Fri Nov 30, 2018 10:30 PM UTC by Neo
            Last Updated: Thu Mar 07, 2019 12:06 AM UTC
            Owner: nobody

            Like the title says, I'm unable to launch FP. On Windows 10.

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            Old Bug Tickets replaced by GitHub Issues: #2631