
#2179 Opened but unchanged maps ask for saving when closing Freeplane

Next Release
windows 7

I have usually several maps open when I close Freeplane. Thus when I re-open freeplane, several maps will be loaded. I often will only change something one map before closing Freeplane again. However Freeplane will ask for saving for several of the open maps, even if nothing has been changed in them and they have not been looked at.
It seems that Freeplane is asking for saving maps that show an asterisks "" in the title tab. I have not found any documentation of the Freeplane interface, however I figured out that the * disappears when saving the map.
When there are no maps that show an * in the title tab, and only in one map something has been changed (and this one shows tha
), then the bahviour is as expected and upon closing Freeplane, only for this map the saving-question is asked.
The problem is however that the * seem to appear in some maps when Freeplane is started, even if these maps have been saved when Freeplane has been closed the previous time and nothing has been changed in them. I have not been able to figure out when the * will appear in the title tab of a map.


  • Volker Börchers

    I'm not sure but perhaps the maps are marked as changed due to a format version upgrade on opening. Another change could be the folding state. Please investigate this a bit further. You could for example attach a small map that is marked as to be saved a) before opening Freeplane and b) after saving it in Freeplane. If the .mm file is changed then we (and you) could see what has changed.


  • Neo

    Neo - 2014-10-02

    Same problem here with 1.3.12 too. I compared an unsaved and saved map. There's no difference besides the normal change of the node>MODIFIED id.

  • Oliver

    Oliver - 2014-10-16

    I have for quite some time now looked for something systematic, but it's difficult to pinpoint. However it seems to be something that happens when a map gets older and perhaps when maps are only saved on closing. I have now for four days worked on four new maps every day, and every day when closing said yes to save for each map that had still unsaved changes. And everyday on opening it was fine, except today, where three of the four maps show already the "" in the tab title just after opening Freeplane, without having touched anything. I will attach one of the maps showing "" here. Again, this map has been saved yesterday afternoon when closing by clicking "yes" on the question if this map should be saved. I very probably had not saved this map directly by CTRL-S or the menu button after hafing made the changes, so I guess that the autoamtic save on closing Freeplane was the only save of the day for this map.
    I hope this hepls to pinpoint the problem.


  • Oliver

    Oliver - 2014-10-16

    Sorry, had to delete the example as it contained sensitive information.
    Additionally, after attaching the file (to not change anything), I switched to this map, and all of the "" in the tabs disappeared. Upon saving, Freeplane asked to save the only map that did not have the "" on opening, and which I clearly had not change since starting Freeplane, nor switched to nor show or hidden branches etc.

    This is getting weird

  • Volker Börchers

    There is one thing that would really help:

    If you see a map being marked as changed when you don't expect it to be changed then immediately...

    1. save a backup copy of the map with a file explorer (not with Freeplane),
    2. save the map in Freeplane
    3. open both files in a data comparison tool, e.g. WinMerge and see what has changed in the file
    4. report the changes here.


    • Neo

      Neo - 2014-10-26

      there are two types of differences: one difference in node string (MODIFIED) and another (multiple occurences in the same file) concerning some Carriage Return and Line Feed char..

      <node LOCALIZED_STYLE_REF="styles.topic" FOLDED="false" ID="ID_1723255651" CREATED="1283093380553" MODIFIED="1413722430561" MAX_WIDTH="500" MIN_WIDTH="1"><richcontent TYPE="NODE">

      Saved map:
      <node LOCALIZED_STYLE_REF="styles.topic" FOLDED="false" ID="ID_1723255651" CREATED="1283093380553" MODIFIED="1414333089642" MAX_WIDTH="500" MIN_WIDTH="1"><richcontent TYPE="NODE">


      Saved map:


      CR=Carriage Return
      LF=Line Feed

  • Volker Börchers

    Maybe this could be of help but I suggest that you try the preview that Dimitry has built for issue #2197 which deals with exactly this problem. For the preview see

    • Neo

      Neo - 2014-11-01

      Same bug.

  • Oliver

    Oliver - 2015-02-13

    Since version 1.3.12 I have this problem much less, however every now and then I still get the question when closing FreePlane to save a map that I haven't touched in this session.
    If I find out any details of how to reproduce I will post back here.
    Thanks for all the good work you are doing on Freeplane


  • Neo

    Neo - 2015-05-25

    This bug is still present in 1.3.15 version

  • Oliver

    Oliver - 2015-06-10

    Yes, I get it sill very regularly. And some maps try to be difficult : even saving them separately, changing something and saving does not help : at the next opening (with many tabs of recent maps) and closing of FreePlane, I get asked for these if I would like to save, without having touched them


    Last edit: Oliver 2015-12-04
  • Oliver

    Oliver - 2016-03-03

    I'm still having this problem. However now I have managed to have an example map with non confidential information that I can attach here. Actually to create this map I have saved one of the maps that show the problem using "Save as" with a different name. And then I have deleted most of the branches and left only a rudimentary map. And this map shows the same problem : I save the map, close Freeplane, open Freeplane. Freeplane opens with 10 maps. And the problem maps show already at opening the " * " in the tab and upon closing, Freeplane asks to save this map, even though it has not been touched (no click inside the map).
    I will attache this map here. I hope this helps ti figure out what this bug is


  • Oliver

    Oliver - 2018-03-28

    Hello, I'm still having this problem and I have uploaded a reduced map where this is happening again : everytime I close FreePlane, I'm asked to save this map. when I re-open, this map is automaticall opened in a tab, but I don not go to this tab nor do i change anything. I work in other tabs/maps. upon closin gof Freeplane I'm again asked to save this map.

  • Oliver

    Oliver - 2018-03-29

    I just did a new test : the problem map (on of several ope in different tabs) showed an asterisc upon starting FreePlane. I went to this tab and saved the map - the asterisc disappeared. I made a copy of the file (1). Then I closed FreePlane (did not ask for saving the map) and made a copy of the map (2). Then I started FreePlane (which opened up all the open tabs), and this map immediately showed the asterisc , so i made a copy of this version of the file, too (3), Then I compared the files with NotePad++, and here is the result :
    No difference.
    So, there is someting in this map that maked FreePlane to mark it as "modified" at once during opening of the file, without even having switched to the tab.
    Does this help to find the problem ?
    On what is the code based that decides to put the asterisc there ? Why does this code run during opening of the files ??

  • Oliver

    Oliver - 2018-03-29

    OK, I just figured out what the problem is : there is one thing in common of all my problem maps : they have a note in the main node !!!!
    And I just managed to get to problem to go away in a map that has been buggering me for four years by simply putting the comment of the main node into a different node.
    I also added a note to the main node of a map that usually works fine : same problem, asterisc is there upon opening.

    So now it is up to the programmers : why is a note in the main node a problem ?
    I have reduced in the example problem map the map to the letter "T" in the main node and the letter "A" in the note, nothing else : asterics upon opening ... try it, it works

    have fun finding this bug :-)



    • Dimitry Polivaev

      fixed in 1.6.15_01

  • Oliver

    Oliver - 2018-04-03

    Wow, great that you could do this so rapidly. Just out of curiosity : what was the problem ?
