
#1254 "Markings" doesn't work at all


I'm afraid to say that one of the new function called "Markings" was so miserable. I'd actually like to suggest something to improve it but I couldn't because it doesn't work at all and I couldn't understand how it should work.

After I open the window "Add mark...", the window is too large to view its full screen on the laptop (whose display size is 1366 x 768). Even though I could open it on a larger display of the desktop, it always gets stuck while changing some value once the example was indicated. Even if I determined each value without chaging anything and click "OK", any mark couldn't be found anywhere. I couldn't find the way to edit the mark I've already created.

So I couldn't understand how to use "Markings" and what function you intended to develop with it.

To be honest, I couldn't picture myself and anyone else using FreeMind for time management. As far as I know as a founder of the FreeMind User Group Japan, I don't know those who use FreeMind like that in Japan.

I believe that many of FreeMind fans including me would really want FreeMind to improve its appearance rather than new functions like time management. If you are having trouble to fix those problems now, I suggest it would be a good idea to suspend to implement "Markings" to finalize FreeMind 1.1.0 sooner.

1 Attachments


  • Christian Foltin

    maybe, you're right. It is way too complicated and not key for the application. But it doesn't slow down 1.1. This is the filter functionality, which I don't like to be the way it was before. Any suggestions?

    BR, Chris

    • Tomophy

      Tomophy - 2016-04-15

      Thank you for your resonse.

      I totally agree with you. Suspending to implement "Markings" won't be a problem for FreeMind 1.1. I strongly think improving some appearance would be more important rather than the functions which are not so popular among users. Popular mindmapping software has some cool appearances like Automatic Coloring, Callout, Floating Nodes and more.

      Hope this helps. Thanks.


      Last edit: Tomophy 2016-04-16

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