Ali Akcaagac - 2015-09-16

Please find attached an example of what I mean. Note that this is straight cut out of an working mindmap. The last and second last element in the file. As you can see the second last element got it's html attributes (indented) or (formated) correctly, while the last element (and it's always the last element that contains html stuff) is not. I would really like to see it indented or formated as the previous one. Probably a n-1 issue in a for-loop.

You also see that the second last node has it's unicode (or non displayable9 values converted to decimal and the last node still has it in hex-decimal. So it's a clear sign that the last node is not being processed (for indenting, formatting and converting values from hex to dec).


Last edit: Ali Akcaagac 2015-09-16