
#1156 Text gets truncated when zooming


When zoomed around 200%, the last few letters of each line are getting cut off. This is using FreeMind 1.0.0.-RC4 on a MacBook Pro, when displayed on a 27 inch Apple cinema display. I was getting this consistently on the cinema display when the map was sized to take up most of the large display, but I'm currently unable to reproduce it on just my laptop.


  • xelanoid

    xelanoid - 2014-03-11

    Even when not zooming I have this behavior for the same version. I changed all the font size to 8 by default tough. It is happening with and without icon presents in the node.

    If tests are needed, I'm available.

  • Adam Johnson

    Adam Johnson - 2017-04-23

    I get this as well, although I have only observed the last character being truncated. It seems to be easiest to reproduce using fixed-width fonts (Hack, Courier New), proportional width fonts seem to be less prone to it, although I seem to remember seeing it using SansSerif at some point I can't reproduce it at the moment. (Edit: I have reproduced it using SansSerif, see the second attached screenshot "truncated2.png", the words "unconscious" and "found" in green.)

    See the attached screen capture "truncated.png" - the last half of the last character is missing in several lines.

    Also, this seems to persist into PDF output and printed output if it is present on the screen.

    Edit: It seems to behave better at 100% zoom, but at other zoom levels it is more likely to display this behaviour - either zoomed in or out. I am on version 1.1.0 Beta 1, but I have seen this behaviour in previous versions too. (Further edit: have just upgraded to 1.1.0 Beta 2, the issue still exists)


    Last edit: Adam Johnson 2017-04-23

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