
#474 JIT crash

v4.0 (major)

Platform: MacOS X 10.4.11 PowerPC
Software: FreeMat 4.0.1
Libraries: Qt4-Mac 4.5.3, LLVM 2.5, SuiteSparse 3.4.0 (all via MacPorts)
Installation: via MacPorts with a private Portfile. Basically, "configure" is replaced by "cmake" with suitable options, including -DCPACK_BINARY_BUNDLE:BOOL=ON, and the OS X application bundle is created by "make package".
Bug: When calling functions defined in .m files that operate on (complex) scalars and use function handles and anonymous functions, FreeMat crashes.
An OS X crash report is attached.
If I interpret the crash log correctly, the crash happens on unwinding from an exception thrown by JITFunc::compile_built_in_function_call(Tree const&).
Workaround: Issuing "jitcontrol off" prevents such crashes.


  • Christian Cornelssen

    crash log created by OS X

  • Eugene Ingerman

    Eugene Ingerman - 2010-02-25
    • assigned_to: nobody --> samitbasu
  • Christian Cornelssen

    Recompiling with gcc-4.3 from MacPorts instead of Apple's Xcode version of gcc-4.0 creates an app that does not crash. I now suppose that this is a problem with gcc-4.0 vs. LLVM or with Apple's gcc-4.0 in particular.

  • Christian Cornelssen

    Alas, the gcc-4.3-compiled version has also crashed. Again on calling functions defined in .m files that operate on (complex) scalars and use function handles and anonymous functions. Again, the crash happens on unwinding from an exception thrown by JITFunc::compile_built_in_function_call(Tree const&). The crash log can be found in the second attachment.

  • Christian Cornelssen

    crash log created by OS X for FreeMat compiled by gcc-4.3


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