

Stefan Pendl

This is the proposed road map of the initial releases.

Development of

  • main application window
  • native set of controls
  • changing window type
  • changing control properties
    • Release of 1. alpha to receive feedback
  • changes according to the feedback
  • source code generation
    • Release of 2. alpha to receive feedback
  • changes according to the feedback
  • menu creator
  • popup menu creator
  • source code generation
    • Release of 1. beta to receive feedback
  • changes according to the feedback
  • retrieve window from source code
    • Release of 2. beta to receive feedback
  • changes according to the feedback
  • save window definition to file
  • load window definition from file
    • Release of 3. beta to receive feedback
  • changes according to the feedback
  • standard event handler library
    • Release of 4. beta to receive feedback
  • changes according to the feedback
  • extend event handler library
    • Release of 1. release candidate to receive feedback
  • changes according to the feedback
  • extend event handler library
    • 1. Release

to be continued ;-)