
Free EibIDE for Linux / News: Recent posts

New version

I will submit the "charly" release next week. This is the last testing release !

Posted by Thorsten Johannvorderbrüggen 2003-09-30

New Version

In about 7 days, therell be a new version !

It fits some bugs and extends the documentation, but this is still a beta version !!!!!!!

Test it and send me some "bug-information" !

Have fun

Posted by Thorsten Johannvorderbrüggen 2003-07-16

HELP wanted

If someone has the time to help, contact me.

I want to redesign the IDE and "port" it to GNOME2. Next step is to support the BCU2 and a Buscoupler with an Atmel AVR controller.
This costs a lot of time. Maybe someone want to help.

Posted by Thorsten Johannvorderbrüggen 2003-05-21

future of the IDE

I will continue the work on the IDE in about 8 weeks.
So work will go on !!!!!!

Posted by Thorsten Johannvorderbrüggen 2003-05-21