
#3232 Cannot Compile 80620a

compile (3)

Receiving an error when I attempt to compile via Ant command as of [80620a]. src\net\sf\frecol\common\ is the issue. Map.of() seems to have the issue.

Screenshot attached.

1 Attachments


Commit: [80620a]


  • Calebrw

    Calebrw - 2021-12-17

    Pardon me if i missed it, but is this a Java 8 vs. 9 issue? I thought Freecol was only Java 8?

    Looks like Map.of() was introduced via [7c0a1].

  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2021-12-17

    Not only Java 8, but Java 8 is the minimum supported. So, a Java 9-ism like Map.of() is a mistake... at least right now. However Java 8 will no longer be supported in a few months, so we probably should jump to the next LTS version soon, which is 11. FTR, Java 11 works fine for me, and has for some time. Is it available for you?

    • Calebrw

      Calebrw - 2021-12-19

      I can upgrade to it. I just never updated the JDK because all I used it for was Freecol.

  • wintertime

    wintertime - 2021-12-17

    I'd think, fixing this now and upgrading when the release is done would be the logical way forward. Remember we have that security fix waiting still. Upgrading and changing everything to use new features would only delay the release.

    • Calebrw

      Calebrw - 2022-01-13

      While I understand that perspective, I've already begun marking the need for Java 9. An full admin on SF will need to update some messaging here, but we don't need to use any new language features other than what's been added.

  • Calebrw

    Calebrw - 2021-12-22

    @mpope I upgraded to JRE 11 and the most recent version of Ant and could compile successfully.

  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2022-04-24
    • status: open --> pending-fixed
    • Group: Current --> Fixed_trunk
  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2022-04-24

    Release is imminent. git.6621e7e bumps the minimum required Java to 11. Setting to Pending.

  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2022-05-01
    • Group: Fixed_trunk --> Fixed_0.12.0
  • Mike Pope

    Mike Pope - 2022-05-01
    • Status: pending-fixed --> closed-fixed

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