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First steps

I have started reading Bjarne Stroustrup's book 'Programming, principles and practice using C++' and decided to give Anjuta a shot. Since I am not an experienced programmer (maybe being a psychologist has something to do with that) this will my attempt at learning a new skill as well...

Since Anjuta seems to have CVS support, this might just be used for this project as well.

Posted by Marius 't Hart 2009-01-13


This project has been slowly forming in my mind for a while, and yesterday I decided to try to register it with SF, both because any finished project is safe there and because I want to see what it is like to work on a project the SF way.

The first things to do is describe what the software needs to do exactly, specify the XML format for the projects and make a mock-up screen to show as screenshot.... read more

Posted by Marius 't Hart 2009-01-04