
Tree [r121] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 albums 2007-06-19 edboy002 [r111] Working out kinks in IP Ban system (keeps writi...
 news 2007-05-16 edboy002 [r1]
 panel 2007-07-13 edboy002 [r112] Minor changes and updates
 stats 2007-09-19 edboy002 [r118] Lyrics and other optimization
 templates 2007-09-20 edboy002 [r121] Gloss stylesheet
 .htaccess 2007-06-14 edboy002 [r95] replacing individual error files with custom er...
 CHANGES 2007-06-17 edboy002 [r109] Extra login system fixes
 README 2007-06-17 edboy002 [r109] Extra login system fixes
 albums.example 2007-06-08 edboy002 [r81] images folder no longer necessary.
 albums.txt 2007-05-18 edboy002 [r8] Shortening albums
 bio.php 2007-06-19 edboy002 [r111] Working out kinks in IP Ban system (keeps writi...
 config 2007-09-20 edboy002 [r120] Reverting config to default
 config.php 2007-09-19 edboy002 [r116] Optimizing code
 contact.php 2007-06-19 edboy002 [r111] Working out kinks in IP Ban system (keeps writi...
 download.php 2007-07-13 edboy002 [r112] Minor changes and updates
 error.php 2007-06-14 edboy002 [r96] fixing bad echoing of error description
 index.php 2007-09-19 edboy002 [r116] Optimizing code
 main.js 2007-09-19 edboy002 [r118] Lyrics and other optimization
 music.php 2007-09-19 edboy002 [r118] Lyrics and other optimization
 nav 2007-06-14 edboy002 [r94] reordering stuff
 news.php 2007-06-19 edboy002 [r111] Working out kinks in IP Ban system (keeps writi...
 stats.php 2007-06-19 edboy002 [r111] Working out kinks in IP Ban system (keeps writi...

Read Me

FreeBand is a framework for making a simple band website.

1.	Installation
  1.1	Requirements
2.  Admin Panel
3.	Configuration
  3.1	Albums
  3.2	Music
  3.3	Lyrics
  3.4	Templates
4.	Disclaimer

1. Installation
	To install, put all the files into a single directory.
	1.1 Requirements
		- PHP4 or higher
		- 15 or more megabytes of space
2. Admin Panel
	The administration panel, /panel, is used
	to configure the site without having to edit the files manually.
	In order to access the panel, you must have a users file. If you
	don't (and you shouldn't), make a file called users in the panel
	directory. In it, right username=password, where the username
	is the username you want to use, and password is the password for
	that username. You can add as many username=password pairs as you
	want, in order to allow more people access to the panel. Once this
	file is ready, you can log in. Make sure that the file is CHMODed
	770 (or, only read and write to group and user) so that the server
	but not other people, can see it. You can still upload it, though.
	In order for the configuration to work, along with the song
	configurator, make sure to CHMOD the albums.txt and config files
	to 777, so that it will write.
3. Configuration
	To configure the site, go to the panel (see 2) and configure
	the site through the Configuration page.
	You can configure the navigation buttons by going to the Navigation
	Configuration page.
	3.1 Albums
		See albums.example for instructions if you wish to edit the
		page manually. If not, open up the panel (see 2) and go to
		Song Configuration to add an album.
		Then, add the album image to the albums folder. The image's title
		must be the same as the short name of the album, and the extension
		must be the same as the extension set in the config file (or the
		file won't be found).
	3.2 Music
		First, make a folder in the albums/ directory that has the same
		name as the album the song is in (exactly the same name). Then,
		move the .mp3 in there, and make sure the name of the mp3 is
		the same as the song (again, exactly the same).
	3.3 Lyrics
		Simply make a text file (.txt) with the same name as the song
		(exactly the same!) and save it into the lyrics/ directory.
	3.4 Templates
		To add a new template, make a folder of it in the templates/
		directory, and add the files. After that, add it into the
	3.5 Statistics
		On Linux servers you may get an error on your pages because of the
		FreeBand statistics module. This error will create a large amount
		of warnings/error messages on your homepage. This is because the 
		permissions in your stats logs are set incorrectly. To fix it
		allow your web server write access to /stats, /stats/log and
4. Disclaimer	
	Dynamic Ajax Content - © Dynamic Drive DHTML code library
	(; used for lyrics AJAX.
	jQuery © 2007 John Resig and the jQuery team.