

Anton Cherem

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The Internet is buzzing about the most common vulnerabilities. The error is called "Heartbleed" and directly affects all servers, network devices and other devices that use OpenSSL 1.0.1. Operation Heartbleed allows attackers to read server memory. It can allow an attacker to download and view most of the server's secure memory, which can include sensitive data such as private keys, user names, passwords, credit card numbers and much more. link.

In my opinion this is nonsense, since you simply move information from one place to another. From the fact that you carefully fold the apples in the box, it may seem that the place will become larger, but it is not. Visually it seems, because you can neatly fold more apples, but even with inaccurately folded apples the seats are the same as those of neatly folded. With neatly folded apples, you can get more apples, but there's as much free space as possible. Simply, we can not cut apples in parts and shove them into free cells, and the computer can cut information into pieces. The truth is because you still need to collect apples from cut pieces that will not work, but the computer can then collect the information. For the sake of interest, I will conduct experiments on several computers. Fortunately, I always have such an opportunity. link.

The files on your hard drive are not always placed one whole, and sometimes in parts. Places simply do not always suffice to place everything in one piece. Yes, it is possible, and there is a place at the beginning of the disc, in which is written what and where is. If the video file is scattered by parts on the entire hard disk, then during the playback, slowdowns are possible. But if the video file is located on the disk as a single fragment, then it will be played much faster. For this reason, programs and games can be slowed down. Parts of the program or game files are scattered in parts throughout the disk, and it takes time to first find them. This is exactly the same as if you were not in the library, and all the books would be randomly arranged. Find the right book will be unrealistic. But if you group books, it's quite easy to find the right one. link.

With this name, there are many different Chinese programs, including malicious, and potentially unwanted. They can run along with the desktop, change the home page, delete applications, do not allow access to certain sites. In this case, it is not possible to remove it by usual methods. There is a fairly simple way to remove this kind of unwanted program. link.

I decided to make an instruction on how to enter the safe mode of Windows. Only now I encountered the problem that the textual instruction even with pictures will not be fully understood. link.

List of Freely-distributive programs for writing disks - link.

List of Open Source Archivers for Windows - link.

Template templates for Joomla content management system - Link1, link2, link3, link4, link5.

A program for searching documents for words from content - link.

How to find out the pirated program among the installed ones? - link.

Free program for creating a site map - link.

A simple way to relink on the Joomla CMS - Link.

How correctly to choose a game console? - link.

8 delusions about the Internet - link.

One of these days, I caught sight of the program for recording repairs in the service center. With its help you can manage applications, register the receiver and the master, keep track of the work done, print receipts and certificates of diagnosis, and much more. It is completely in Russian. - link.

Here is such a wonderful set - Defender bern 795. I bought it for a long time, many years ago. The mouse is still working perfectly, but the keyboard has stopped, it has not even been determined. And it is quite comfortable, if used to it))) I like the quality of the buttons. In general, the Claudia stopped working, and just lay on the shelf. And then I decided to try to subdue her. link.

Any asi-specialist for an easier job should have not just an education in the specialty, but also have a lot of certificates. I decided to list some that caught me. link.

At first glance, not a noticeable program for remote control of computers, but its advantage is that it is free for organizations. link.

Today, there are many computer workshops that help with solving problems with your equipment. But how to choose a good service? link

Cautiously, recently computers with encrypted trojan data have often been

A very popular slider module, which includes two links. There is a fairly simple way to remove them. link.

Recently, the number of threats from infected websites has increased, which show pop-ups that ask you to install a fake 'Flash player', 'Video player', or 'Java Update' containing a Trojan bootloader with viruses. Tip: Never click on the download offer that appears on any website. Even on a reliable site like Facebook. If you see such a pop-up window, it's better to just close the web browser. link.

I already wrote about free antiviruses for organizations, where I spoke about Avira Free and Amiti Antivirus. These are good antivirus solutions for the organization, but for the house you can use more complex solutions. All the same, those solutions for organizations have basically only an antivirus monitor, often without even proactive protection. Of course, it would be better to apply more comprehensive solutions to the organization, but, unfortunately, more complex free solutions are prohibited from being applied in the organization. And it's written right in the license agreements. link.

Recently I encountered a rather interesting program, which makes it possible to hide a file in gif or bmp image, and any one. link.

Small businesses rely on information technology to improve productivity, share information and reduce the time it takes to communicate. Despite the importance of information technology for the success of many small businesses, they do not seek to manage them well. For the most part, this is due to the depth of knowledge and the time costs that are required to ensure that software, hardware, networks and telephony are maintained to ensure maximum stability and security. link.

Viruses have become more aggressive over the years, not only in the damage they do, but in the way they are distributed as well. Viruses can infect the system in any number of ways - email, browser vulnerabilities, instant messaging applications, P2P, and others. They can damage programs, delete files, or even erase the entire hard drive. Spyware can collect your personal information without your consent and pass it on to others. To prevent any serious damage, you must protect your computer from spyware and other malicious threats. Regardless of the steps you take to try and prevent the virus from affecting you, it can still happen. Now your personal or corporate data is in danger, like that of your customers. link.

The Windows operating system of the latest version of Microsoft does have one major competitor, and this is Apple, OS X. Of course OS X, as a rule, can only be found on Apple's computers, while Windows is on, well, on almost every second computer on the planet; these two are still competitors, though. With the help of Windows 8, having failed to make an impact on consumers, Microsoft decided to use its attractions, so that Windows 10, with a new attempt turned out better. With Windows 10, in direct competition with OS X Apple 10.10 Yosemite, it's interesting to see how similar these two operating systems are to each other. link.

Freely distributed programs are software that can be distributed on the basis of "gnu gpl" licenses, as well as similar ones. Also they are called free programs. The essence of these programs is that they are allowed to be used free of charge, without restrictions, not only at home, but also at the company's office. And this is not the main advantage. The main advantage of such programs is open source code. It turns out that so-called free programs any person can take and remake for themselves, optimize, refine, or can base their project on such a program. link.

I decided to share with you my opinion on various paid antivirus programs. And straight, walk around the most popular. Recall some cases from practice. Maybe you will be interested in the opinion of a person who has been repairing computers for more than five years. Well and how, when every day you repair from 5 to 10 computers, then the hand is stuffed well. And perhaps the opinion of this specialist is more valuable than the opinion of a super programmer who has repaired a dozen computers in his life. link.

What should I do if the flash drive is not pulled out?

First of all, you should try to remove the flash drive using secure extraction. In the lower right corner, look for the safe extraction icon and click on it with the left mouse button. link.

Many today ignore the safe extraction of a flash drive. Is it possible to call such a disregard for the rules correct? When working with external storage media (USB flash drives, external hard drives), Windows stores part of the data in RAM, since it has not yet been written to this storage medium. It turns out that if you pull out the flash drive without safe extraction, then the data just will not have time to sign up for it. Data can be understood as the particles of files and system areas. link.

What is dangerous to place personal information on social networks? link.

Why not put the laptop on the bed? link.

Robots are cars? It can and progress, but I'm against technology in the car. link.

Continuation of problems with the drivers))) I found myself here BKN CSN, or rather ultrabook. link.

It's about paid antivirus. About the obligatory components, about different points of view, and different "independent" tests. link.

Today, there are resources on which to find free software. The so-called SPO catalogs)) You can type in the search for "free programs" and probably will find several worthwhile. Previously, they were not at all. I had to look around the Internet for such programs. And often it was only on English websites that I had to watch. Now a lot of directories of such programs, with the descriptions in Russian. link.

Hackers played in Doom on the printer - link.

Yandex offers to protect its Internet by specifying its DNS server. Interestingly enough. He divides them into three groups: Fast and reliable DNS; Without fraudulent sites and viruses; No sites for adults. link.

I propose to speculate on the creation of more or less reliable passwords. Therefore, I will express my thoughts on this topic, if you want to share your own, then I will be only glad. link.

Top 20 passwords - link.

On Sunday I went to the polls. I voted for the oppositionist, and practically all my acquaintances, who earlier reproached me for the support of United Russia, now voted for the candidate from United Russia. How so?))) link.

Recently came across a video with a new start menu in the next operating system from Microsoft. link.

Today there are a lot of free antiviruses. Honestly, I like the units from them))) let's talk about specific free antiviruses. link.

In life there are situations when the drive does not open. Many people in such cases have a panic, and they do not know what to do. It's best to turn off the computer, and when you turn on, click on the button. If it does not help, then for each case there is a special hole on each drive. You can press it with a needle or something thicker. link.

Master on LeFH18B2 - link.

I lost, but the war took - link.

Today, mobile computers have become available, and many want to buy a laptop. Manufacturers every year, more and more loudly screaming about the high level of performance of the laptop, and in particular, about gaming graphics cards. But can such a compact laptop model compare to a stationary computer. link.

What is defragmentation and why is it needed? Each file on our hard drive is in the form of small parts. Such parts can be scattered all over the disk. I did not choose this photo for nothing. Here on this round disk your files are stored. Reminds the gramophone, is not it? So, if parts of the file are scattered around different places of this disk, then the reader's head will have to jerk in one part or the other. Either parts of the file will be grouped as yellow, or scattered like black. It turns out that if parts of the files are not scattered across different places of the disk, then such files will be read many times faster. Imagine if all the files are so scattered? or at least half? The computer will open files for a very long time, and generally work very slowly. link.

It has long been a different kind of experts argue about the benefits of running through catalogs. Under the run, I will enter the distribution of ads, registration on the sites in order to increase the reference mass. Running is carried out with the help of special programs. One of these was the paid program Allsubmitter. link.

Some organizations install programs without reading the license agreement. But you agree with it not because you need to press to accept or to accept the installation. We agree with the license agreement already installing the program, even if it did not display it. For example, in the license of the free version of the avast it is said that it can be used only at home or in the home office. In general, on stationary computers in organizations no longer put, for this you can shlopotat fine. There are antiviruses that are allowed to use in organizations. link.

Today, probably everyone knows about virus banners. Many even possibly saw them on their computer.

The most opposite is that if it's new, then most likely your antivirus will not detect it. They do not replace the system files now, so the behavior filters can not be blocked. Professional virus writers check malicious software before publishing. Check for the fact that the definition of anti-virus programs. The banner has been published, it will take some time before it is detected by the antivirus laboratory. The time for processing in the antivirus laboratory, and then another point. And it is that antiviruses are updated at best once a hour. That is, even if the antivirus laboratory finds and processes a virus banner in 5 minutes after the publication, the antivirus is still updated once per hour. Will be lucky and will be updated in the next minute, but if not, then in an hour. In fact, it turns out that viruses get into the anti-virus database at best in a few hours, and in some cases the next day. link.

I recently wondered how to make an rss subscription for my blog running CMS Joomla. It seems that the task is not difficult, but typing on the Internet several requests on this topic did not see anything sensible. Install some modules that are only available for joomla 2.5 and lower, but not for 3rd. All this is not what I wanted to do. All these articles helped to make the RSS subscription, but did not say how to make a small side block with a proposal to subscribe to the updates. This is a very simple task, but that's why it's not so easy to find an article on the Internet that will tell you how to do it. link.

The fight was very interesting. I felt myself in it felt real rembo =))) I did not do any scans, sorry ...

If it were not for 49, then maybe more shot)) Although I myself am to blame. My position was shone many times, and by a miracle I was not killed earlier)) it was necessary to relocate a long time, but I was directly drawn in, got carried away, that I did not notice how they approached me from where I did not expect. link.

Another fight on the left-hander, on which I took the war. Actually, nothing supernatural. In fact, it's just a very accurate tank. link.

Decided to lay out one interesting fight, at the prem-art level 5, left-handed. It's not a matter of skill, but that art itself is cool. I apologize for uncultured expressions, if any. During the game, it is not always possible to restrain myself =) Next time with audio commentary I will do it.

To the post of super pro player does not pretend.

At first, as it is not very good, everything went wrong with me. It seems to have been reduced to the end, but hop is past. Or the enemy abruptly drove off. link.

I decided to write about how I would choose my laptop now. Maybe someone will come in handy my opinion, as well as some tips. link.

In the previous publication, I talked about a malicious script that created folders on the desktop. I decided to show it to you in action. You really excuse that the video without audio comments. In the following videos I will definitely make audio comments. link.

What is a malicious script? Let's turn away from the definition of a malicious program - software that is designed to gain unauthorized access to computer resources or information, for the purpose of inflicting damage to information or to the computer owner on the principle of violation of integrity, confidentiality or accessibility. Speaking of the program there is a full-fledged application. A script is a file with a set of command instructions. link.

Today, probably every computer owner knows what a viral banner is, they are also called Windows blockers. Their essence is that by blocking the download of the desktop, or earlier processes, a banner pops up asking to send a paid SMS or to replenish the account through a payment. Naturally after paying a considerable amount you will find that your Windows is not unlocked. The amounts range from 400 rubles and more. Before you go about them, think about whether you should trust the scammers. But it's not even their honesty, but the fact that there are no unlock mechanisms. Well, how to say, they are, but you obviously can not tell them. Payment through the terminal - they say that the operation code is the unlock code. How will they verify that you are calling the correct code? Even if they break the payment system, which now works directly with banks. Before the booted desktop, the Internet does not work. They at all desire can not contact their servers to verify the code. Sometimes they write that after payment through the terminal you will receive instructions on the phone. Have you ever seen in the payment form for entering the phone number when transferring to someone's account number? I did not see. link.

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