

Anton Cherem

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A program for scheduling lessons in the school and university, which is written in C # and runs under the .NET platform in Windows. Completely in Russian.

The functions of the scheduling application for school lessons
Manual layout is performed using drag-and-drop technology;
the same application for two types of documents (for universities and schools), but different application lines for schools and universities;
All document data is stored in an XML file (extension .oct), with the ability to export to any database (using the plug-in);
Schedule reports for groups of students, teachers and classrooms are created as pdf files using the open source PdfSharp library;
data exported to the database can be used in PHP or ASP.NET (or any server scripts) for browsing the Internet;
the ability to export data to any data format (using a plug-in);
The ability to import data into an application from any database or data format (using the plug-in);
return / repeat for all actions of the document;
each student represents one student group, that is, each student has his own curriculum. This is important for universities that follow the Bologna system (European Union);
documents have three properties: the type of the timetable (school or university), the name of the school and the school year;
the schedule type is used only to select rows in applications that are different for schools and universities, the application logic is the same for both schedule types;
for courses and teachers, you can limit the classrooms in which you can teach;
it is possible to determine courses from student groups that are held together (the so-called parallel courses);
courses can be defined as regular courses or as groups; groups with the same name (belonging to the same group of students (class, educational program)) can not be placed in the same time interval;
The days and conditions included in the schedule configuration are freely determined;
A manual (interactive) schedule using drag and drop can be performed on each of three types (courses, teachers, cabinets) that represent the same data model.
The schedule program for schools and universities is licensed under the GNU General Public License.
Other page.