
Fred / News: Recent posts

Fred 2009: 1.4.1 release

We're pleased to announce Fred 2008 version 1.4.1 (stable). This release contains a lot of bugfixes, improvements and new features.

Though this release is considered as stable there may be still bugs in Fred. If you find one, feel free to report it back to

Posted by Sebastian Krysmanski 2009-03-06

Fred 2008: 1.4.0 release

Fred is a platform independent time tracking tool. With Fred you can very easy file, view and record efforts, structure them into tasks and projects and send them (in multi-user projects) to a project leader.

We're pleased to announce Fred 2008 version 1.4.0 (stable). This release contains a lot of bugfixes, improvements and new features.

Some of the shiny new features are:
* Fred is now available in English, too.
* Fred now officially supports MacOSX. ... read more

Posted by Sebastian Krysmanski 2008-04-10

English Translation

We're currently looking for someone who'll check our English translation of Fred. A native speaker or someone with very good English skills would be perfect. We'll provide you with a fully translated version of Fred but this translation may/will not be fully correct. Any help will be appreciated. To contact us please use the contact form at

Posted by Sebastian Krysmanski 2008-02-15

Fred 1.3.5 RC2 released

I'm pleased to announce Fred 2007 version 1.3.5 RC2. This release contains only interface enhancements, no bugfixes. Altough the internal handling of menus was rewritten.

Feel free to test this release and report all bugs back to

Posted by Sebastian Krysmanski 2007-02-27

Fred 1.3.5 RC1 released

We are proud to announce the first release candidate of Fred 1.3.5. A lot of work has been done to make Fred more stable and more user-friendly.

Please note that this is only a release candidate. Feel free to test it and report bugs back to

Posted by Sebastian Krysmanski 2007-02-23