Activity for FRC Developer

  • Paul Blankenbaker Paul Blankenbaker committed [r234]

    Fixed bug that prevented you from connecting to...

  • Paul Blankenbaker Paul Blankenbaker committed [r233]

    Updated Live view to use video streams instead ...

  • Paul Blankenbaker Paul Blankenbaker committed [r232]

    Added files to make it easier to build and run ...

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r231]

    Fixed some bugs with appearing and resizing wit...

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r230]

    Integrated new heat maps into datavis page.

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r229]

    Removed some silly content. No major code changes.

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r228]

    Fixed a bug with the scouting main menu. When a...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r227]

    Removed an unnecessary select menu in the event...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r226]

    Still making things look nice. More of a menu f...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r225]

    Edited more styles to make the WUI look nicer. ...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r224]

    Fixed a bug with sizing of the FRCDev home page...

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r223]

    Added backup script.

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r222]

    Fixed bug that cut off team list.

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r221]

    Worked further on making things look nicer. Mai...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r220]

    Added some more transitions to make the WUI les...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r219]

    Added some more nice jQuery to make the /frc/ p...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r218]

    Added some nice jQuery to make the /frc/ page l...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r217]

    Deleted css file that's no longer used.

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r216]

    Moved some stylesheets around for more consiste...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r215]

    Changed main-menu formatting a little bit. Adde...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r214]

    Added a 'required' attribute for the select men...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r213]

    Made selecting the alliance a session variable ...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r212]

    Made some on-site changed at BMR. made submit b...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r211]

    Made some styles work more consistently on tabl...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r210]

    Made the toggleButton styles a more consistent.

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r209]

    Commented out the Add a Schedule selection beca...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r208]

    Added G12 backend. Added some jquery to change ...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r207]

    Made teleop field in data vis to be smaller.

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r206]

    Fixed notes section on vis page. Made prescout ...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r205]

    Hopefully fixed all existing bugs. Moved robot ...

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r204]

    Made the teleop shooting positions two columns.

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r203]

    Changed a few colors to make them better match.

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r202]

    Made post-match specs 2 columns.

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r201]

    Fixed the backend so it properly calculates 1pt...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r200]

    A bunch of small changes. Added a scout form in...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r199]

    Made a few style changes.

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r198]

    Removed title field for notes in the vis page. ...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r197]

    Added penalty backend.

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r196]

    Added clamping code on heatmap. Fixed positioni...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r195]

    Fixed a penalty display bug. Fixed starting pos...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r194]

    Fixed auton and teleop shooting location fields...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r193]

    Fixed size of clickable div. Fixed javascript t...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r192]

    Updated field image sizes.

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r191]

    Removed the reference to match prediction page ...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r190]

    Deleted all the .png images. Fixed the referenc...

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r189]

    Changed images to vector images.

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r188]

    Added jquery to support collapsible content on ...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r187]

    Removed "Title" field for Notes section because...

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r186]

    Finished team summary. Finished team rankings. ...

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r185]

    Fixed sizing issue on the navbar

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r184]

    Started work on the autogen script

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r183]

    Added a navbar to the data vis page.

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r182]

    Added shutdown page.

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r181]

    Added ease of receiving ball from human player....

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r180]

    Fixed a filtering bug in visualization.

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r179]

    Wrote backend for defensive ability and passing...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r178]

    Changed some names to have consistency.

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r177]

    Fixed a dumb mistake.

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r176]

    Added a category for Defensive Ability. Changed...

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r175]

    Fixed some more bugs in the visualization. Adde...

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r174]

    Fixed scout form backend. Fixed some ui stuff i...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r173]

    Cleaned up field images.

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r172]

    Added undo image

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r171]

    Fixed visualization trying to get directory images

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r170]

    Fixed some formatting on the scout form. Starte...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r169]

    A few more formatting changes to the form. Adde...

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r168]

    Fixed the pre-scout backend.

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r167]

    Fixed more styling in the main scouting form. R...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r166]

    Made styling much more appealing, in my opinion...

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r165]

    Worked on graphs. Made match predictor. Tried t...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r164]

    Added function to clear the local storage on su...

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r163]

    Made the file upload work for the prescout form...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r162]

    Made minor edits. Attempted to add php file upl...

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r161]

    Fixed color selecting issue with chrome.

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r160]

    Working on fixing chrome bug on whiteboard.

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r159]

    Fixed some css. Added "alliance." Fixed missing...

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r158]

    Fixed button layout of whiteboard.

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r157]

    Add forgotten file. (The field image for the in...

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r156]

    Added interactive whiteboard to data visualizat...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r155]

    Added jquery to check the connection status to ...

  • Paul Blankenbaker Paul Blankenbaker committed [r154]

    Fixed missing package name in the createrepo co...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r153]

    Added proper css and html navbar to the pre-sco...

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r152]

    Added missing file for prescouting form.

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r151]

    More backend for prescouting. Started interacti...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r150]

    Fixed css in the pre scout form.

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r149]

    Added forgotten prescout backend skeleton code.

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r148]

    Removed useless css. Fixed a few bugs with pre-...

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r147]

    Made the prescout form format the form into a s...

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r146]

    The prescout form can now store and retreive da...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r145]

    Added localStorage javascript to the prescout f...

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r144]

    Added highlighting support to the parallel coor...

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r143]

    Made a working version of the parallel coordina...

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r142]

    Made a small change to the index file.

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r141]

    Started to rewrite the parallel coordinate graphs.

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r140]

    Fixed more styling.

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r139]

    Rearranged styling of the shootcircles. Moved s...

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r138]

    Added code to generate number of teleop shots f...

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r137]

    Started to integrate d3 Parallel Coordinate vis...

  • Tiger Huang Tiger Huang committed [r136]

    Changed scouting form shot position entry style.

  • Vincent Vincent committed [r135]

    Added the required attribute to the season sele...

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