Hi, I'm proposing the following structure for a window manager:
TXWindowManager // subclasses take care of the painting
I'd like the feature of MDI
Currently it is possible that a X11 server will have multiple screens.
To manage the windows the RootWindow of a screen is 'grabbed' by a
program (fpwm) to recieve map and other requests by possible clients.
Using objects I think it is possible to fairly easily add the capability
to manage windows within a client application.
Something like:
TRootWindow.Create(AScreen: PXScreen; AWindow: TWindow);
So AWindow can be the RootWindow of the screen or can be a TWindow
within an application. An application will have to send some sort of
request to make a window it owns a MDI parent or similar.
TXWindowManager will have a list of TRootWindows.
Andrew Haines