
Tree [31db25] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 Android 2020-08-31 Dennis Heine Dennis Heine [cbb937] v2.0
 CredNet-master 2020-08-31 Dennis Heine Dennis Heine [cbb937] v2.0
 _client 2020-08-31 Dennis Heine Dennis Heine [cbb937] v2.0
 _installer 2020-08-31 Dennis Heine Dennis Heine [cbb937] v2.0
 _server 2020-08-31 Dennis Heine Dennis Heine [cbb937] v2.0
 elevator 2020-08-31 Dennis Heine Dennis Heine [cbb937] v2.0
 .gitattributes 2020-08-31 Dennis Heine Dennis Heine [cbb937] v2.0
 .gitignore 2020-08-31 Dennis Heine Dennis Heine [cbb937] v2.0
 LICENSE 2020-05-11 Dennis M. Heine Dennis M. Heine [0e4617] Initial commit 2020-08-31 Dennis Heine Dennis Heine [31db25] changed readme

Read Me


A cloud based 2FA, Webpassword and Windows Logon solution using Android and Windows.

Select the account in the overview of the android app, authenticate with your fingerprint, and the password will be entered on your PC (which will have to have the client app running).

Currently supportet login types:

-2FA (OTP)

-Windows Logon using password

-Typing in the password (Weblogin etc.)

Please Note:
You will need the app from github under "Releases" (install.bat will install all files from \redist, which is the credential provider for windows logons as well as the client app and a reistry key) and the Android app from:


-fix mockups like "AUTH"

-split the servercode into classes

Error fixes:

-run the following command from and admin command prompt:
c:\windows\syswow64\regasmcpy.bat c:\windows\syswow64\CredNet.dll

-run \redist\install.reg manually